Wednesday, November 11, 2009


today for my countdown to thanksgiving, i am thankful for our servicemen and women, past and present.

i dont always necessarily agree with our military, but i do appreciate what they do for us, have done for us, will do for us. i've always been interested in military history, and i could spend days in the aerospace museum. actually, side note to self, i really want to go to an airshow this year. but i'm very glad we have people who are willing to do what they do.

here's a video of puppies and kids getting homecomings from their owner/parents who've been overseas on tour. it made me cry. but really, everything makes me cry lately. but the last video with the kids, that made me sob. those moments are why i'm glad there are good people in this world, and we need more of them.

in other news i dyed my hair red again. i dont know why its my go-to color. its about the most exciting thing i did on my day off. mostly i laid in bed with a headache. and a heartache.

i hope you all are well today. hug your veterans. hug your kids. hug your pets. hug anyone you have to hug and be thankful for them each and every day.

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