Sunday, November 29, 2009

love, feel, life

i did one of those things that generates the words you tweet the most and shows you a 'cloud' of them and whatever. and the top 3 words i used in the last year are 'love, feel, life.'

i find this very interesting. i know i didnt always use them in that context, but those three words mean very much to me.

so i have less than 24 hours to make my job decision and it terrifies me. i am leaning in one direction but i don't know if that is the right direction. please send positive thoughts in my direction so that i can make this decision wisely. because i am scared.

so thanksgiving was interesting. it wasn't what we've traditionally had, and that made me sad. i think christmas has also officially gone bottoms up as well. I can't help but think of National Lampoons Christmas Vacation where the mother character announces "it's christmas and we're all in misery." i'm going to try and make it the best holiday season i can, but already it feels like many things in my life are missing.

i did at least have a fun time at the cafe last night with friends and family. that place is one of few places now in sutton that you can feel life coming back into the town. and hearing leah sing is always a treat.

so. thats all i can post right now bc i have to go back to giving myself an ulcer over this job thing. i'll be sure to let you know tomorrow what my decision is.


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