do i need it, no. but it was on mega-sale, it's my birthstone, i have my work bonus, it's a bday gift to myself (i'm really trying to justify this so i dont feel like an asshole) and... well.. it's pretty. it's very un-andrea in style. i've never owned anything this... girly? flashy? in my life. but i've been thinking about buying myself a nice piece of jewelry for awhile to commemorate my first year of work, and when i saw this, i just fell in love with it. i'm sure something will come up that i'll need the money i spent on it for something else, or my evil dog will eat it, but. it was just one of those days where i wanted to feel girly and pretty and stylish. i'm sure this will pass and i will go back to my uni-sex plaid flannel ripped up jeans angsty self soon enough.
also, as of yesterday, mom has invited herself on my vacation to the beach next month. dad and my uncles are going on a men-only motorcycle trip down the blueridge parkway, and mom, being spiteful (and you wonder where i get it. remind me to tell you the story of how my parents got married...) decided she was going to take her OWN trip. which turned into going on my trip. which actually i'm ok with bc 1) she'll pay half on the beach house and gasoline 2) i wont have to drive all that way by myself and 3) she's good at leaving me alone when i want to be left alone and knows when i need human interaction. so i can still sit on the beach with my stack of books, but now wont have to be that lonely girl eating dinner alone in the corner booth. and i do hate being that lonely girl. if anyone feels like coming, you're still more than welcome. its sept 12-19. i'm looking forward to walking in the mornings, looking for seaglass. i've been reading too many pirate histories again.
as we speak, my dog is doing the unthinkable: sleeping while it's still daylight. she's friggin adorable when she's not chewing something up.
school starts soon for everyone, and i've been thinking about how much i miss it again. i dont know if its the actual school part that i miss, though i do love learning about things... but i think more its the being able to spend tie with people my age. at least now i have a couple friends at work, but it's not the same as sitting in a classroom, by far. mom says i should go back to school, but at this point i just can't justify putting myself even further in debt for something that would probably be useless.
my internet keeps cutting out and it's making me mad. i spent 20 minutes trying to et ahold of a representative and half an hour trying to figure out whats wrong. they dont know, so they're sending someone out tomorrow. for now, it's working. so i'm not going to complain tooooo much.
and it's starting to storm. great.
work is starting to get nuts again. i'm going to need that vacation more than ever in the coming month. i do know though that some of it will be announced to the public at some point in the near future. vague enough?? good.
ok. my sunburnt self is about to go watch tv. much love from my general direction.

1 comment:
Oh wow. That's beautiful. I don't normally comment of this sort of thing, but kudos to you
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