not really. but look at how cool my hair was. Since that time, being my sunbaby self, it turned, dare i say it.... blonde. andi is not a blonde, folks. so it is now back to plain ol' one color brown. my rockstar minute was fun and all. but deep down, i accept and embrace my losernessnessness.
also, can i just say i am now addicted to bubble tea? i drive past this place all the time but only recently have tried it, thanks to my crazy coworkers. it's delicious. you should go. i'll go with you. it will be a date.
anyway. hi. how are you? i hope well. it has felt like the longest week in the history of time and i am so incredibly glad it is friday. i woke up in an 80 bajllion percent better mood than i had the past four days. not all of it was to do with work, surely, but still. i'm excited that momma mia is coming up tomorrow and we're going shopping. i'm officially boring however since i've already planned what purchases i need to make for work. oh well. it will still be a good day.
so my car died on monday. i feel like i should change this blog to 'things that go wrong with my automobile.' i was all proud of myself going to zumba and not dying in the rockette-style high kick portion of the class, and was taking lish home when i decided i didnt feel like cooking that i would get delicious DQ chicken strips. i go do this and when returning to the car... nothin. the keys wont even come out. there was much wailing and gnashing of teeth. luckily jason is a carwhiz and got me in order with a new battery. when the warrenty says 3-5 years, you should not expect on the larger number. mine made it 3 years and 2 months. *shakes fist*
i dont really have anything else to talk about. i just wanted to kill some time. say hello. let you know i've not dropped off the planet.
so ok. have a good weekend yall.
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