Hey Kids. What's shakin.
I'm pretty sure if tonya wasn't reminding me i need to write things, I probably would let this go more often. It's true that when things are good i dont post as much. Can I just say apologies for all the whining you've read? And probably whining in the future, but lets think positive here. the sun is shining and things are swell.
which is not to say there haven't been several times i just wanted to stop and write, Hoggle, I need you. (please tell me you people know what movie i am referencing, or we may not be friends any longer.) but what purpose would that serve really in the long run? it would put life back at square one which is a place i prefer not to be. its like... with some family members, for an example. you love them, you always will for your entire life, but you dont always like them. you may not ever like them. to quote good ol jane austin, "is not general incivility the very essence of love?" i think she was on to something. it definitely explains why i'm so terrible to some people. could cutting people out of my life be a true testiment to how hard i love them? this could lead to stewing of which i do not want to do and had not planned here. this post is supposed to be lighthearted and cheery.
so to do that, lets talk about shopping. it is no secret that i am a fan. this weekend i went with lish and jason and our friend joey up to washington to go shopping and to a baseball game. we went over to the outlets and oh my. i forgot how much i like those. i forgot how much i like banana republic (does that make me a yuppie, i'm afraid it does). i forgot how giddy i get over finding blue jeans for six dollars. SIX DOLLARS I SAY. and shoes. my love affair with shoes came out this weekend. oy. and now i'm broke. but i did do the responsible thing and buy mostly work acceptable attire. so i justify it by that.
and then we went to a baseball game. oh i love baseball. not on tv, of course. i think i just cant handle watching sports on tv. i need the sights and sounds and smells of the game. the beer and hotdogs and cotton candy. The team was apparently the worst in the league and the team they played was the next up the line. so they both tried their hearts out, which to me makes for a damn good game. we had bitchin seats thanks to lish's dad's company, right on the first baseline. you know, the danger zone. way too many foul balls came flying past my head but i think it made it even more exciting. i want to go to more games. i came home and declared this as so.
what else. on the cooking front, pesto chicken was a mistake but pesto lasagna was awesome. but at least i'm cooking, right?
If i could ask anything of you at this exact moment in time, it would be to go see the Hangover. I laughed till i cried. Definitely a good time if you are not easily offended. And it puts you in a good mood so that when you get pulled over at 1230 at night because you're headlight is out and the cop decides to be 'gracious enough to let me off with a warning this time, missy' you dont have the automatic urge to oink at him. look at me being a polite member of society. but yes. see the movie. and then lets make a plan that when i buy my mail-order husband from romania that we will go to vegas for my bachelorette party and get schwasted.
the upcoming forecastfor life: starting back to zumba which frankly i'm thrilled over. i miss dancing and it always puts me in a good mood. what else... this Saturday if you're in town we will be out and about celebrating dawn taking her praxis. look for us at the usual spots. if you're lucky we'll end up at big times and let you play nudie photo hunt with us.
what else. kellie's wedding is quickly approaching. i need to get in the right frame of mind for this. thank pete we're going to get massages on the thursday before (totally my idea). i am mentally preparing myself for shirley temple curls. mom says if my hair is curly i'll look like an idiot. thanks mom. but the wedding itself is going to be very nice i think. a good way to end out this month with some of my best friends. even if i do have to wear a dress. (don't tell her but i really do think it is cute.)
so what else. there is a tree growing under my front porch. no shit. and its surrounded by poison ivy. its like a human death trap. i'm hoping if i whine enough the problem will take care of itself. frankly, i'm over living where i do. once we figure out the contract situation in November, life changes will be made, my friends.
oh so yeah. i sucked it up and got netflix. and holy shatner this is the greatest thing ever. between it and hulu i can watch everything I ever want. Except Hercules Reterns, which really annoys me bc I don't know where to find that, it's hilarious. Yesterday we got the first 2 discs, Role Models (not my pick) and Sound of Music (totally my pick) and watched them both. What I like most though is there are a lot of good movies that are streamed online. I tried to watch 2001:Space Odyssey for my 101 goals. i just could not get into it and fell asleep. I'm still counting it though. but this is definitely going to help with knocking all the movies off my goal list.
it's a beautiful day outside and it makes me sad being indoors, especially after a relaxing day in the sun all day yesterday. i'm finally getting non-pasty which is always good.
i'm also thinking of changing my hair color again before kellie's wedding. what color(s) do you guys think?
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