Tonya's post today and Laura's bday yesterday (technically its today but we celebrated yesterday) got me thinking about books. You all know very well how much I love to read. It's no secret that sometimes i like to hole up in here with a book for days on end. Well yesterday for laura's bday, aunt beth found some books she and i read when we were little. do you girls (and maybe some boys, i shouldnt judge) remember the Rose Petal Place series?
so that got me thinking about what books I read when I was little. the berenstain bears were on there. and all of mercer mayers books. but what really sticks out the most? (which will, as we all know, probably lead to random ebay purchases after payday). And I can think of a handful that all stick out for different reasons.
1. the Little House on the Prarie series. When we lived in the old house and michael and i had to share a room (which would put me up to 3rd grade) mom would read these books to us. I absolutely loved the idea that these stories really happened and was determined to go out west and see where the Ingalls family lived. I still think that would be neat.
2. The Mouse and the Motorcycle. this book sticks out bc i remember in.. 2nd or 3rd grade (maybe you remember Chris?) that on my assigned parent day (when a family member comes in and reads to the class for the afternoon) that dad actually came in and read this. and he liked it so much that he borrowed it from my teacher to finish reading to me at home. it's one of my few memories of actually doing something with dad when we were little since normally he was asleep when we were home since he worked nights. I still have my torn up copy of this from when mom went out and bought it. i think i'm going to search for an old hardback version.
3. Number the Stars. I know I've written about this one before. I did go out and buy a second copy not too terribly long ago. I think it is the book that most got me interested in history. I remember reading it for school.
4. The Secret Garden. I've written about this too. My aunt got it for me for my birthday one year and I didn't appreciate it until much later.
5. This would have been very very young. But I remember a Muppets book where they went to the circus and it was scratch-n-sniff. you could smell the peanuts and the popcorn and apples and something that smelled like soot. how strange that this sticks out to me.
6. To Dance, To Dream. This was actually one of moms books from she was younger that i got ahold of very much in my ballerina phase. But it was a chapter a piece of famous dancers through history. from Pavlova to Folkine to Taglioni to Duncan. A well written mini-biography of the most influential dancers. I wanted to be them.
those are the big ones that pop into my head. What books were important to you when you were little?
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