So. Everyone on tv is dying lately. I don't know how I feel about all that. Everyone is writing these big, deep things about all the stars, but maybe I just fall in the wrong gap of time, bc it doesn't bother me that much. I think by the time I started listening to MJ's music, he was well on his way to being strange. Sure I remember being little and my older cousins teaching me to moonwalk (something I find super embarrassing and will never ever show you), but it's not like the music changed my life. Granted, his style changed future music, and I should take that into perspective, but mostly, out of all of this, I just feel bad for his children.
These people are doing great things. I support that.
Things seem off kilter since coming back from Kellie's wedding. Like I've got nothing to plan for or worry about. But something else feels like it's missing. I can't figure out what it is, but I don't like it.
I brought the dog home, and she hates it. She's been so used to having the farm to run on and 4 other dogs to play with that I know she's bored out of her mind. I come home in the evening and she just mopes around. It breaks my heart. If it doesn't get better soon, I might seriously consider taking her home and leaving her. Which would suck, but I had gotten used to not having her, and I'd rather the dog be happy.
I am going to try, try I tell you, to do my Alphabetical Appreciation Month starting tomorrow. Just a sentence or two each day about someone I appreciate. Bc I don't let people know very well how much they mean to me. I kinda suck at that whole feelings nonsense.
It's storming out, which means I won't be going to cooper's rock this evening as planned. Looks like I'll be holing up and watching netflix movies instead. I'm semi-ok with this.
This is probably the most whiny little kid-like thing i've said on here lately (believe me, i'm aware that I whine a lot.) but i'm still sad i didn't get the stupid t-shirt i wanted at the aerosmith concert the other night. i talked myself out of it and then have regretted it since. I found it online, but its 40 bucks. for a t-shirt! that's highway robbery! So i go home each evening and look at it online and almost buy it but talk myself out of it, bc what if i need that money for something else. when did i become so miserly? am i becoming...... responsible? surely not.
so i'm thinking more and more about the prospect of a birthday vacation this year, even if it is by myself. by then i'll have some time saved up and can actually go. part of me wants to go somewhere new, but the other part wants to go back to topsail and recharge my batteries. i have 3 months to think about it. hopefully i'll actually decide.
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Monday, June 29, 2009
My love for books.
Tonya's post today and Laura's bday yesterday (technically its today but we celebrated yesterday) got me thinking about books. You all know very well how much I love to read. It's no secret that sometimes i like to hole up in here with a book for days on end. Well yesterday for laura's bday, aunt beth found some books she and i read when we were little. do you girls (and maybe some boys, i shouldnt judge) remember the Rose Petal Place series?
so that got me thinking about what books I read when I was little. the berenstain bears were on there. and all of mercer mayers books. but what really sticks out the most? (which will, as we all know, probably lead to random ebay purchases after payday). And I can think of a handful that all stick out for different reasons.
1. the Little House on the Prarie series. When we lived in the old house and michael and i had to share a room (which would put me up to 3rd grade) mom would read these books to us. I absolutely loved the idea that these stories really happened and was determined to go out west and see where the Ingalls family lived. I still think that would be neat.
2. The Mouse and the Motorcycle. this book sticks out bc i remember in.. 2nd or 3rd grade (maybe you remember Chris?) that on my assigned parent day (when a family member comes in and reads to the class for the afternoon) that dad actually came in and read this. and he liked it so much that he borrowed it from my teacher to finish reading to me at home. it's one of my few memories of actually doing something with dad when we were little since normally he was asleep when we were home since he worked nights. I still have my torn up copy of this from when mom went out and bought it. i think i'm going to search for an old hardback version.
3. Number the Stars. I know I've written about this one before. I did go out and buy a second copy not too terribly long ago. I think it is the book that most got me interested in history. I remember reading it for school.
4. The Secret Garden. I've written about this too. My aunt got it for me for my birthday one year and I didn't appreciate it until much later.
5. This would have been very very young. But I remember a Muppets book where they went to the circus and it was scratch-n-sniff. you could smell the peanuts and the popcorn and apples and something that smelled like soot. how strange that this sticks out to me.
6. To Dance, To Dream. This was actually one of moms books from she was younger that i got ahold of very much in my ballerina phase. But it was a chapter a piece of famous dancers through history. from Pavlova to Folkine to Taglioni to Duncan. A well written mini-biography of the most influential dancers. I wanted to be them.
those are the big ones that pop into my head. What books were important to you when you were little?
so that got me thinking about what books I read when I was little. the berenstain bears were on there. and all of mercer mayers books. but what really sticks out the most? (which will, as we all know, probably lead to random ebay purchases after payday). And I can think of a handful that all stick out for different reasons.
1. the Little House on the Prarie series. When we lived in the old house and michael and i had to share a room (which would put me up to 3rd grade) mom would read these books to us. I absolutely loved the idea that these stories really happened and was determined to go out west and see where the Ingalls family lived. I still think that would be neat.
2. The Mouse and the Motorcycle. this book sticks out bc i remember in.. 2nd or 3rd grade (maybe you remember Chris?) that on my assigned parent day (when a family member comes in and reads to the class for the afternoon) that dad actually came in and read this. and he liked it so much that he borrowed it from my teacher to finish reading to me at home. it's one of my few memories of actually doing something with dad when we were little since normally he was asleep when we were home since he worked nights. I still have my torn up copy of this from when mom went out and bought it. i think i'm going to search for an old hardback version.
3. Number the Stars. I know I've written about this one before. I did go out and buy a second copy not too terribly long ago. I think it is the book that most got me interested in history. I remember reading it for school.
4. The Secret Garden. I've written about this too. My aunt got it for me for my birthday one year and I didn't appreciate it until much later.
5. This would have been very very young. But I remember a Muppets book where they went to the circus and it was scratch-n-sniff. you could smell the peanuts and the popcorn and apples and something that smelled like soot. how strange that this sticks out to me.
6. To Dance, To Dream. This was actually one of moms books from she was younger that i got ahold of very much in my ballerina phase. But it was a chapter a piece of famous dancers through history. from Pavlova to Folkine to Taglioni to Duncan. A well written mini-biography of the most influential dancers. I wanted to be them.
those are the big ones that pop into my head. What books were important to you when you were little?
In Mourning.
Let's momentarly forget Michael Jackson, Billy Mays, and Ed McMahon.
Let's all mourn the death of my favorite oversized sunglasses.
Let's all mourn the death of my favorite oversized sunglasses.
Those sunglasses have seen me through some sunny days. Even some overcast with a chance of rain. Sure, they only cost 5 dollars at a Rite Aid in California, PA. But I became attached to their largeness (thats what she said).
They broke before kellie's wedding. I had my mom pick me up new sunglasses on her way down, but the ones she picked out were so tiny. I do not like them at all. I must go adventuring in hopes of finding a new pair. It just wont be the same.
Sunday, June 28, 2009
My Love for Joe Perry and a White Wedding.
Kids, I am exhausted. Exhausted I tell you. But it was all worth it.
Lets start at the beginning. I love Aerosmith and ZZTop. hands down. best concert ever. I had so much fun and I want to go to more concerts. Here's some photos, courtesy of Ms. Smith:
ZZTop (obviously). Super rad.

Aerosmith. My love for joe perry exploded all over the place. He's an amazing guitarist, the band is awesome, and they put on a hell of a show. I would definitely go to another, anytime.

The obligatory group shot. Those two got along swimmingly I think. Coulda been the alcohol though.

And this photo... it basically explains every moment of my life.
I definitely recommend the lawn seats at Star Lake they were fun and those around us were hilarious.
I got up at 7 thurs morning to drive from pburgh to charleston. i officially hate being in the car. but as soon as i got there i picked up kellie and we went for massages. they were like heaven. i would probably give up ranch dressing for routine massages. and then we worked on wedding stuff, saw the Proposal (go see it, its hilarious) worked on more wedding stuff, and passed out. Friday we had lunch with the whole family, packed stuff off to places they were to go, sewed hundreds of seed pearls on her veil, and then had the rehersal and rehersal dinner. things went off pretty well. we checked into the hotel, set 6 alarms and passed the hell out. i got the bride up at 615 and got her all dolled up and ready to go and the wedding was beautiful and i didnt fall down in my stilettos and the reception was fun and we danced and all was good and i got home at 1am. and i have no pictures bc i forgot my camera. so when they start popping up on facebook i will show you how pretty i looked. i mean the bride. how pretty the bride looked. :)
and now i have work to look forward too. i dont want to work, but it will be nice to be back into a routine. i still havent decided what i'll be doin or where i'll be for the 4th, but i hope its a lot of not much.
and now... now i'm going to take a nap.
Lets start at the beginning. I love Aerosmith and ZZTop. hands down. best concert ever. I had so much fun and I want to go to more concerts. Here's some photos, courtesy of Ms. Smith:

ZZTop (obviously). Super rad.

Aerosmith. My love for joe perry exploded all over the place. He's an amazing guitarist, the band is awesome, and they put on a hell of a show. I would definitely go to another, anytime.

The obligatory group shot. Those two got along swimmingly I think. Coulda been the alcohol though.

And this photo... it basically explains every moment of my life.
I definitely recommend the lawn seats at Star Lake they were fun and those around us were hilarious.
I got up at 7 thurs morning to drive from pburgh to charleston. i officially hate being in the car. but as soon as i got there i picked up kellie and we went for massages. they were like heaven. i would probably give up ranch dressing for routine massages. and then we worked on wedding stuff, saw the Proposal (go see it, its hilarious) worked on more wedding stuff, and passed out. Friday we had lunch with the whole family, packed stuff off to places they were to go, sewed hundreds of seed pearls on her veil, and then had the rehersal and rehersal dinner. things went off pretty well. we checked into the hotel, set 6 alarms and passed the hell out. i got the bride up at 615 and got her all dolled up and ready to go and the wedding was beautiful and i didnt fall down in my stilettos and the reception was fun and we danced and all was good and i got home at 1am. and i have no pictures bc i forgot my camera. so when they start popping up on facebook i will show you how pretty i looked. i mean the bride. how pretty the bride looked. :)
and now i have work to look forward too. i dont want to work, but it will be nice to be back into a routine. i still havent decided what i'll be doin or where i'll be for the 4th, but i hope its a lot of not much.
and now... now i'm going to take a nap.
Sunday, June 21, 2009
The Downside of Being Responsible
Well kids. My weekend was a semi-bust. Mostly bc I worked 15 hrs of it.
Now my first mistake was volunteering to do this. But I wanted to help out, be a team player, wtf ever. Plus overtime money is sexy. And with missing Thurs and Friday this week for the ramp-up to kellie's wedding, i figured it would all balance out.
Working from home is bullshit. I know some people say they like it. Not me. It took me forever to get anything done. I'd take naps or go find food, or.... other things. Working when everyone else is at the bar or at the pool or watching the Deadliest Catch marathon is not fun. Well, scratch the last one, that marathon is what got me through. I freaking love that show and want to marry Crosby. but that is neither here nor there. What usually would only take me 10 hrs or so took longer just bc I couldn't focus.
so to reward myself, i went and got my hair did. and the first round, i cried. instead of 'copper' highlights, i came out with state road orange. i may or may not have cried. but, lori is a magician and fixed it and its super red and i love it now. sorry, that has no impact on your life at all. i'm superficial and need to be liked.
also, Year One is mediocre, with lost of dick jokes and the like.
i've been having crazy dreams again. very realistic ones. last night i dreamed someone died of a heart attack and the night before it was someone i dont speak to trying to talk to me even though they were in a dungeon. that one was so realistic i could smell the mustiness of the dungeon. and no, i hadn't been drinking. i think i'm just exhausted. and i think it was because i had one of those scent related flashbacks. but that is neither here nor there.
i feel like there was something i actually wanted to blog about but i forget what it was. i didnt make it to the farmers market bc we overslept, the Arts on the River was a total bust, work was lame and i did it till 2:30 am just bc i didnt want to deal with it, and i love cherry tomatoes. the end.
fact. you remember that fart noise you used to make with your armpit in elementary school (or college, whatever). i figured out that i can make that sound on brett's abs. i may or may not make fart sounds all the time now. that is super incredibly lame but hilariously fun when you've been awake editing proposals for ten straight hours.
ahhhhh i don't want to go to work tomorrow and edit.
also that 'are we human or are we dancer' song is dumb as hell and probably would only make sense if you were on shrooms or some other drug.
my idiot brother is coming up this week to help me do repairs around the shitbox. he must be really desperate to get out of braxton to volunteer to help me out. granted i'm paying him well, but whatever. anything i can get done on my own (figuratively) is good. he's going to kill the poison ivy so i dont die. maybe i can even con him into mowing the lawn...
also, someone remind me to watch the new Deadliest Catch on tuesday, i think sig has a heart attack and i am worried. yes. i worry about people on tv.
i made a friend this weekend just by doing something i felt necessary. a friend of a coworker is walking in the Relay and after hearing his story I wanted to help sponsor him so I did. It's nice to help strangers and it's nice making friends because someone appreciates you bc you appreciate them. that made no sense. the moral of the story is I helped him reach a goal for something i feel very strongly for and i was glad to do it, not just for the aquaintance i made out of it.
also, i've had hiccups 3 times today. YOU NEED TO KNOW THIS.
ok. i'm done for today. i still dont remember what it was that i was going to tell you. unless i remember, i prob wont post again til after kellie's wedding. with pictures. that i steal bc i still havent gotten a new camera. its on the list.
love to you!
Now my first mistake was volunteering to do this. But I wanted to help out, be a team player, wtf ever. Plus overtime money is sexy. And with missing Thurs and Friday this week for the ramp-up to kellie's wedding, i figured it would all balance out.
Working from home is bullshit. I know some people say they like it. Not me. It took me forever to get anything done. I'd take naps or go find food, or.... other things. Working when everyone else is at the bar or at the pool or watching the Deadliest Catch marathon is not fun. Well, scratch the last one, that marathon is what got me through. I freaking love that show and want to marry Crosby. but that is neither here nor there. What usually would only take me 10 hrs or so took longer just bc I couldn't focus.
so to reward myself, i went and got my hair did. and the first round, i cried. instead of 'copper' highlights, i came out with state road orange. i may or may not have cried. but, lori is a magician and fixed it and its super red and i love it now. sorry, that has no impact on your life at all. i'm superficial and need to be liked.
also, Year One is mediocre, with lost of dick jokes and the like.
i've been having crazy dreams again. very realistic ones. last night i dreamed someone died of a heart attack and the night before it was someone i dont speak to trying to talk to me even though they were in a dungeon. that one was so realistic i could smell the mustiness of the dungeon. and no, i hadn't been drinking. i think i'm just exhausted. and i think it was because i had one of those scent related flashbacks. but that is neither here nor there.
i feel like there was something i actually wanted to blog about but i forget what it was. i didnt make it to the farmers market bc we overslept, the Arts on the River was a total bust, work was lame and i did it till 2:30 am just bc i didnt want to deal with it, and i love cherry tomatoes. the end.
fact. you remember that fart noise you used to make with your armpit in elementary school (or college, whatever). i figured out that i can make that sound on brett's abs. i may or may not make fart sounds all the time now. that is super incredibly lame but hilariously fun when you've been awake editing proposals for ten straight hours.
ahhhhh i don't want to go to work tomorrow and edit.
also that 'are we human or are we dancer' song is dumb as hell and probably would only make sense if you were on shrooms or some other drug.
my idiot brother is coming up this week to help me do repairs around the shitbox. he must be really desperate to get out of braxton to volunteer to help me out. granted i'm paying him well, but whatever. anything i can get done on my own (figuratively) is good. he's going to kill the poison ivy so i dont die. maybe i can even con him into mowing the lawn...
also, someone remind me to watch the new Deadliest Catch on tuesday, i think sig has a heart attack and i am worried. yes. i worry about people on tv.
i made a friend this weekend just by doing something i felt necessary. a friend of a coworker is walking in the Relay and after hearing his story I wanted to help sponsor him so I did. It's nice to help strangers and it's nice making friends because someone appreciates you bc you appreciate them. that made no sense. the moral of the story is I helped him reach a goal for something i feel very strongly for and i was glad to do it, not just for the aquaintance i made out of it.
also, i've had hiccups 3 times today. YOU NEED TO KNOW THIS.
ok. i'm done for today. i still dont remember what it was that i was going to tell you. unless i remember, i prob wont post again til after kellie's wedding. with pictures. that i steal bc i still havent gotten a new camera. its on the list.
love to you!
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Things That Make Me Happy, Annoyed, and Hungry
Happy: As we speak, a nice COLD breeze is blowing out of my newly (as in an hour ago) installed air conditioner, complete with new wiring so the trailer does not burn down. They still have to install the one in my bedroom at a later date, but holy Shatner, cold air. As soon as I get home, I may or may not make out with the AC unit.
Annoyed: Have you seen this whole Senator Boxer vs. The Brigadier General thing? Here is what she said (and a video clip). Now. I don't like politics or the military as most of you know. But even my blockhead self knows that calling someone "ma'am" is a sign of respect and courtesy to someone considered a higher up, and they drill this into you from the moment you step into the military. She did not address him as his title at any point in the hearing (I was annoyed and watched the whole thing. wtf am I doing watching THE NEWS). Sure, she earned her title. But so did he. By serving overseas in some shady areas (I looked him up too). Man or not, my vote is with him. However, from now on I expect you to address me as Analyst Andrea Ware, Master of Arts in Professional Writing and Editing and Badass Mothafucker.
..... what? too long?
Hungry: Lunch the past several days has been an epic fail. We made chicken and rice casserole that is so bland it would taste better if we'd added cardboard. Each day I've tried to church it up. I tried cheese, pineapples, taco bell sauce, garlic, and whatever else i could find. That recipe is being deleted from the computer.
Happy: Getting to spend yesterday evening with Lish and Tonya watching True Blood. I"ve determined that there is enough twisted romance in the show to keep women interested, and enough boobs flashed by to keep men interested. Fun for the whole family? perhaps.
Annoyed: I cut my hand open yesterday evening while on the phone with Best Buy while trying to locate an AC unit. we all know i do NOT handle blood well and nearly passed out. I think I freaked the employee out with my suddenly heavy breathing and mumbling of "oh shit oh shit oh shit." we did not purchase the unit at BB for this reason. also bc they didn't have any in stock.
Hungry: Arts on the Mon is this weekend which means fresh produce at the farmer's market and wine. and arts and crafts. and yay. I just finished the last of my ORGANIC SHAINNA tomatoes and they were probably the most delicious things i've eaten in awhile and i think i am going to go buy some more on my way home.
Happy: When people leave comments so that I know someone is actually reading this. AHEM.
Annoyed: that my hair has decided i should be a member of the Flock of Seagulls. WTF, HAIR. It's changing this weekend. Dunno what too. Bitchy red again?
Hungry: I'm just hungry and it's making me sleepy. But not as sleepy as a coworker who may or may not have been snoring earlier. I may or may not have heard it all the way down the hall and i may or may not have had to investigate the matter. It may or may not have been the funniest thing i've seen all day.
Happy: AC means I get the evil dog back.
Annoyed: AC means I get the evil dog back.
Hungry: I think we've established this one pretty firmly and can skip it from now on.
Happy: That we had a fire drill during the only pretty and non-rainy part of the day.
Annoyed: That I know it will come a shit storm right as I decide to go home. Hello, tornado warnings!
Question: Did it hail last night, or did I dream that?
Happy: That I still have some of my American Flag Sugar Cookies that I fought brett for left. I still think he's unpatriotic for not wanting to buy them.
Annoyed: With myself. Apparently I threaten to do things of a mean nature a lot when I really have no reason to do so.
Happy: That for some reason I had another one of those acid flashbacks (not really) to when laura and i were little and we had these dolls that were so ugly. mine's name was emily ann and hers was marylou and we carried those evil looking things around everywhere in our matching white wicker baskets. they even had real hospital bracelets that mom (stole) from work. when my cousin emily was born, i was convinced they named her after my doll. i still am. i honestly have no idea why i thought about this today. we really had a lot of fun when we were little.
Annoyed: that I am still writing in this format. I am quitting immediately.
Much love!
Annoyed: Have you seen this whole Senator Boxer vs. The Brigadier General thing? Here is what she said (and a video clip). Now. I don't like politics or the military as most of you know. But even my blockhead self knows that calling someone "ma'am" is a sign of respect and courtesy to someone considered a higher up, and they drill this into you from the moment you step into the military. She did not address him as his title at any point in the hearing (I was annoyed and watched the whole thing. wtf am I doing watching THE NEWS). Sure, she earned her title. But so did he. By serving overseas in some shady areas (I looked him up too). Man or not, my vote is with him. However, from now on I expect you to address me as Analyst Andrea Ware, Master of Arts in Professional Writing and Editing and Badass Mothafucker.
..... what? too long?
Hungry: Lunch the past several days has been an epic fail. We made chicken and rice casserole that is so bland it would taste better if we'd added cardboard. Each day I've tried to church it up. I tried cheese, pineapples, taco bell sauce, garlic, and whatever else i could find. That recipe is being deleted from the computer.
Happy: Getting to spend yesterday evening with Lish and Tonya watching True Blood. I"ve determined that there is enough twisted romance in the show to keep women interested, and enough boobs flashed by to keep men interested. Fun for the whole family? perhaps.
Annoyed: I cut my hand open yesterday evening while on the phone with Best Buy while trying to locate an AC unit. we all know i do NOT handle blood well and nearly passed out. I think I freaked the employee out with my suddenly heavy breathing and mumbling of "oh shit oh shit oh shit." we did not purchase the unit at BB for this reason. also bc they didn't have any in stock.
Hungry: Arts on the Mon is this weekend which means fresh produce at the farmer's market and wine. and arts and crafts. and yay. I just finished the last of my ORGANIC SHAINNA tomatoes and they were probably the most delicious things i've eaten in awhile and i think i am going to go buy some more on my way home.
Happy: When people leave comments so that I know someone is actually reading this. AHEM.
Annoyed: that my hair has decided i should be a member of the Flock of Seagulls. WTF, HAIR. It's changing this weekend. Dunno what too. Bitchy red again?
Hungry: I'm just hungry and it's making me sleepy. But not as sleepy as a coworker who may or may not have been snoring earlier. I may or may not have heard it all the way down the hall and i may or may not have had to investigate the matter. It may or may not have been the funniest thing i've seen all day.
Happy: AC means I get the evil dog back.
Annoyed: AC means I get the evil dog back.
Hungry: I think we've established this one pretty firmly and can skip it from now on.
Happy: That we had a fire drill during the only pretty and non-rainy part of the day.
Annoyed: That I know it will come a shit storm right as I decide to go home. Hello, tornado warnings!
Question: Did it hail last night, or did I dream that?
Happy: That I still have some of my American Flag Sugar Cookies that I fought brett for left. I still think he's unpatriotic for not wanting to buy them.
Annoyed: With myself. Apparently I threaten to do things of a mean nature a lot when I really have no reason to do so.
Happy: That for some reason I had another one of those acid flashbacks (not really) to when laura and i were little and we had these dolls that were so ugly. mine's name was emily ann and hers was marylou and we carried those evil looking things around everywhere in our matching white wicker baskets. they even had real hospital bracelets that mom (stole) from work. when my cousin emily was born, i was convinced they named her after my doll. i still am. i honestly have no idea why i thought about this today. we really had a lot of fun when we were little.
Annoyed: that I am still writing in this format. I am quitting immediately.
Much love!
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Numbered Lists Make My World Go Round
1. I spent most of saturday in bed watching documentaries on the discovery channel. I have no idea why I did this. Two in particular stick out. One on how the magnetic field and polarity of Earth is changing and we're all going to die, and the other (which made me cry) about an organization called Smile Train that helps the poor get cleft lip and palate repair. I think the second stuck with me more. It followed 2 families in India through the whole process. One family had to walk home from the hospital bc they couldn't afford the train. It all depresses the hell out of me. I think when I get to a point in my life where I'm actually financially stable, I'm going to go volunteer somewhere. I dont know where and I don't know for what cause but I want to help the families like those on the documentary. I know, there I go with my causes again. I know I can't fix everything for everyone. But I really want to try.
2. I have 14 squares crocheted for one of the charity blankets. Only 40-50 more to go for this one. I like doing this bc it's relaxing and I know it will be appreciated in the long run.
3. Things have been too normal lately and it gives me cold feet. Like I might bail. I know this is stupid. I'm just not used to feeling good about things, haha.
4. Lish and I started back to zumba last night. OH man did I miss it. I felt like I was going to die by the end, but its that good exhausted. I'm not too sore today, but I will be soon, since we're going to start going twice (maybe 3!) times a week. I think I just really like latin music. You don't feel like youre exercising as much as youre taking a latin dance class.
5. Let's go to Bob Evans and eat potato soup.
6. We planted tomato plants in the topsy turvy thing. I think we're overwatering them. Someone please tell me how to grow plants.
7. Kellie's wedding (and Aerosmith concert) is in a week and a half. this makes me happy bc that means i only have 5.5 days of work until then. surely I can make it.
8. are we doing anything for the 4th of july? bc we should.
9. I really miss my dog. I've decided that dad is not going to fix my house like he said he would. So does anyone know anyone who can do some wiring/roof tarring/poison ivy killing at a reasonable price? I'm just going to take care of this nonsense myself. Cranky humid dog-less andrea is not a fun andrea.
10. No really, lets go get some potato soup.
11. I think I'm going to start my own Netflix movie review on here, bc i feel like I need to tell you what i'm watching. bc i need to tell you everything but not everything, dear reader. So this weeks lineup: Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy (the new version) I give it a B- bc I like the other version better, and Amelie gets an A++ bc I love that movie even if (especially because) I have to read subtitles. But I don't even know her! Oh, you know her. Since when? Since Always, In your dreams.
12. I'm starting to think maybe peach yogurt, cherry tomatoes, and a granola bar do not a breakfast make. I feel yuk.
13. So what's on your mind?
2. I have 14 squares crocheted for one of the charity blankets. Only 40-50 more to go for this one. I like doing this bc it's relaxing and I know it will be appreciated in the long run.
3. Things have been too normal lately and it gives me cold feet. Like I might bail. I know this is stupid. I'm just not used to feeling good about things, haha.
4. Lish and I started back to zumba last night. OH man did I miss it. I felt like I was going to die by the end, but its that good exhausted. I'm not too sore today, but I will be soon, since we're going to start going twice (maybe 3!) times a week. I think I just really like latin music. You don't feel like youre exercising as much as youre taking a latin dance class.
5. Let's go to Bob Evans and eat potato soup.
6. We planted tomato plants in the topsy turvy thing. I think we're overwatering them. Someone please tell me how to grow plants.
7. Kellie's wedding (and Aerosmith concert) is in a week and a half. this makes me happy bc that means i only have 5.5 days of work until then. surely I can make it.
8. are we doing anything for the 4th of july? bc we should.
9. I really miss my dog. I've decided that dad is not going to fix my house like he said he would. So does anyone know anyone who can do some wiring/roof tarring/poison ivy killing at a reasonable price? I'm just going to take care of this nonsense myself. Cranky humid dog-less andrea is not a fun andrea.
10. No really, lets go get some potato soup.
11. I think I'm going to start my own Netflix movie review on here, bc i feel like I need to tell you what i'm watching. bc i need to tell you everything but not everything, dear reader. So this weeks lineup: Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy (the new version) I give it a B- bc I like the other version better, and Amelie gets an A++ bc I love that movie even if (especially because) I have to read subtitles. But I don't even know her! Oh, you know her. Since when? Since Always, In your dreams.
12. I'm starting to think maybe peach yogurt, cherry tomatoes, and a granola bar do not a breakfast make. I feel yuk.
13. So what's on your mind?
Saturday, June 13, 2009
The Things You Do With Foreigners
So Dave Ryan has been recording me lately. Both in conversation and us doing stupid things (wait, they're all stupid...) like reading ingredients off food items. Only a few can be put online until he finds out if he got his job....
here and here are a few ingredients to tide you over! and yes, halfway thru that is me laughing maniacally in the background. i was laughing so hard i was crying. and here we are we are trying to offend all Russians.
and if you aren't following him on twitter, well you should.
here and here are a few ingredients to tide you over! and yes, halfway thru that is me laughing maniacally in the background. i was laughing so hard i was crying. and here we are we are trying to offend all Russians.
and if you aren't following him on twitter, well you should.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Feeling Left Out
I've been in one of those moods, where I feel like I'm eight steps behind where I should be in life. I know there is no exact timeline that things must be done, but when my friends parents tell me that mom has been complaining about the fact that her children are never going to get married and she'll never have grandkids, it kinda makes you feel pretty darn low. And I'm not saying I want to do either of those things immediately, the thought makes me break out in hives. but when a friend of mine is getting married, for the second time, it makes me wonder what i'm doing wrong with myself.
so to try and get out of this funk i'm trying to work on some of my 101 goals again. many of them have died out. the picture one lasted barely a month and my camera died. i'm carrying around several of the monthy letters in my purse and have since probably january. several i see no sign of them happening anytime soon. but i figure since i have time to kill i could start working on the lap blankets for the people in the nursing home. so i went to Michaels and got some cheery colors of yarn to start the first one. i think i'm going to make lots of little squares for this one. so far, i have 2 squares. only 8000 to go.
there is talk of an air conditioner on my horizon, and i'm so happy. mostly bc i seriously miss my evil dog.
starting pretty soon too, i'm going to start volunteering at Habitat for Humanity. i've been feeling the world-sadness again, and i figure if i can help out here, that's at least something.
i had a strange dream last night. someone i didnt expect to see was in it. i swear sometimes i can feel when i cross their mind. i don't like that feeling or the dream.
so to try and get out of this funk i'm trying to work on some of my 101 goals again. many of them have died out. the picture one lasted barely a month and my camera died. i'm carrying around several of the monthy letters in my purse and have since probably january. several i see no sign of them happening anytime soon. but i figure since i have time to kill i could start working on the lap blankets for the people in the nursing home. so i went to Michaels and got some cheery colors of yarn to start the first one. i think i'm going to make lots of little squares for this one. so far, i have 2 squares. only 8000 to go.
there is talk of an air conditioner on my horizon, and i'm so happy. mostly bc i seriously miss my evil dog.
starting pretty soon too, i'm going to start volunteering at Habitat for Humanity. i've been feeling the world-sadness again, and i figure if i can help out here, that's at least something.
i had a strange dream last night. someone i didnt expect to see was in it. i swear sometimes i can feel when i cross their mind. i don't like that feeling or the dream.
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Laughing at Myself
Two things for your amusement.
1. apparently in my sleep last night i sat up and said "Seabiscuit is BAD" and fell back asleep. i have no idea or recollection of this.
2. my hair is doing a weird Peppermint Patty (you know, the Peanuts character) thing today. Instead of getting upset about this, I broke out into the Peanuts dance. You know that dance, dont lie. This also got me a weird look.
I think this is a good way to start my day.
1. apparently in my sleep last night i sat up and said "Seabiscuit is BAD" and fell back asleep. i have no idea or recollection of this.
2. my hair is doing a weird Peppermint Patty (you know, the Peanuts character) thing today. Instead of getting upset about this, I broke out into the Peanuts dance. You know that dance, dont lie. This also got me a weird look.
I think this is a good way to start my day.
Monday, June 8, 2009
Sweet Summertime
Hey Kids. What's shakin.
I'm pretty sure if tonya wasn't reminding me i need to write things, I probably would let this go more often. It's true that when things are good i dont post as much. Can I just say apologies for all the whining you've read? And probably whining in the future, but lets think positive here. the sun is shining and things are swell.
which is not to say there haven't been several times i just wanted to stop and write, Hoggle, I need you. (please tell me you people know what movie i am referencing, or we may not be friends any longer.) but what purpose would that serve really in the long run? it would put life back at square one which is a place i prefer not to be. its like... with some family members, for an example. you love them, you always will for your entire life, but you dont always like them. you may not ever like them. to quote good ol jane austin, "is not general incivility the very essence of love?" i think she was on to something. it definitely explains why i'm so terrible to some people. could cutting people out of my life be a true testiment to how hard i love them? this could lead to stewing of which i do not want to do and had not planned here. this post is supposed to be lighthearted and cheery.
so to do that, lets talk about shopping. it is no secret that i am a fan. this weekend i went with lish and jason and our friend joey up to washington to go shopping and to a baseball game. we went over to the outlets and oh my. i forgot how much i like those. i forgot how much i like banana republic (does that make me a yuppie, i'm afraid it does). i forgot how giddy i get over finding blue jeans for six dollars. SIX DOLLARS I SAY. and shoes. my love affair with shoes came out this weekend. oy. and now i'm broke. but i did do the responsible thing and buy mostly work acceptable attire. so i justify it by that.
and then we went to a baseball game. oh i love baseball. not on tv, of course. i think i just cant handle watching sports on tv. i need the sights and sounds and smells of the game. the beer and hotdogs and cotton candy. The team was apparently the worst in the league and the team they played was the next up the line. so they both tried their hearts out, which to me makes for a damn good game. we had bitchin seats thanks to lish's dad's company, right on the first baseline. you know, the danger zone. way too many foul balls came flying past my head but i think it made it even more exciting. i want to go to more games. i came home and declared this as so.
what else. on the cooking front, pesto chicken was a mistake but pesto lasagna was awesome. but at least i'm cooking, right?
If i could ask anything of you at this exact moment in time, it would be to go see the Hangover. I laughed till i cried. Definitely a good time if you are not easily offended. And it puts you in a good mood so that when you get pulled over at 1230 at night because you're headlight is out and the cop decides to be 'gracious enough to let me off with a warning this time, missy' you dont have the automatic urge to oink at him. look at me being a polite member of society. but yes. see the movie. and then lets make a plan that when i buy my mail-order husband from romania that we will go to vegas for my bachelorette party and get schwasted.
the upcoming forecastfor life: starting back to zumba which frankly i'm thrilled over. i miss dancing and it always puts me in a good mood. what else... this Saturday if you're in town we will be out and about celebrating dawn taking her praxis. look for us at the usual spots. if you're lucky we'll end up at big times and let you play nudie photo hunt with us.
what else. kellie's wedding is quickly approaching. i need to get in the right frame of mind for this. thank pete we're going to get massages on the thursday before (totally my idea). i am mentally preparing myself for shirley temple curls. mom says if my hair is curly i'll look like an idiot. thanks mom. but the wedding itself is going to be very nice i think. a good way to end out this month with some of my best friends. even if i do have to wear a dress. (don't tell her but i really do think it is cute.)
so what else. there is a tree growing under my front porch. no shit. and its surrounded by poison ivy. its like a human death trap. i'm hoping if i whine enough the problem will take care of itself. frankly, i'm over living where i do. once we figure out the contract situation in November, life changes will be made, my friends.
oh so yeah. i sucked it up and got netflix. and holy shatner this is the greatest thing ever. between it and hulu i can watch everything I ever want. Except Hercules Reterns, which really annoys me bc I don't know where to find that, it's hilarious. Yesterday we got the first 2 discs, Role Models (not my pick) and Sound of Music (totally my pick) and watched them both. What I like most though is there are a lot of good movies that are streamed online. I tried to watch 2001:Space Odyssey for my 101 goals. i just could not get into it and fell asleep. I'm still counting it though. but this is definitely going to help with knocking all the movies off my goal list.
it's a beautiful day outside and it makes me sad being indoors, especially after a relaxing day in the sun all day yesterday. i'm finally getting non-pasty which is always good.
i'm also thinking of changing my hair color again before kellie's wedding. what color(s) do you guys think?
I'm pretty sure if tonya wasn't reminding me i need to write things, I probably would let this go more often. It's true that when things are good i dont post as much. Can I just say apologies for all the whining you've read? And probably whining in the future, but lets think positive here. the sun is shining and things are swell.
which is not to say there haven't been several times i just wanted to stop and write, Hoggle, I need you. (please tell me you people know what movie i am referencing, or we may not be friends any longer.) but what purpose would that serve really in the long run? it would put life back at square one which is a place i prefer not to be. its like... with some family members, for an example. you love them, you always will for your entire life, but you dont always like them. you may not ever like them. to quote good ol jane austin, "is not general incivility the very essence of love?" i think she was on to something. it definitely explains why i'm so terrible to some people. could cutting people out of my life be a true testiment to how hard i love them? this could lead to stewing of which i do not want to do and had not planned here. this post is supposed to be lighthearted and cheery.
so to do that, lets talk about shopping. it is no secret that i am a fan. this weekend i went with lish and jason and our friend joey up to washington to go shopping and to a baseball game. we went over to the outlets and oh my. i forgot how much i like those. i forgot how much i like banana republic (does that make me a yuppie, i'm afraid it does). i forgot how giddy i get over finding blue jeans for six dollars. SIX DOLLARS I SAY. and shoes. my love affair with shoes came out this weekend. oy. and now i'm broke. but i did do the responsible thing and buy mostly work acceptable attire. so i justify it by that.
and then we went to a baseball game. oh i love baseball. not on tv, of course. i think i just cant handle watching sports on tv. i need the sights and sounds and smells of the game. the beer and hotdogs and cotton candy. The team was apparently the worst in the league and the team they played was the next up the line. so they both tried their hearts out, which to me makes for a damn good game. we had bitchin seats thanks to lish's dad's company, right on the first baseline. you know, the danger zone. way too many foul balls came flying past my head but i think it made it even more exciting. i want to go to more games. i came home and declared this as so.
what else. on the cooking front, pesto chicken was a mistake but pesto lasagna was awesome. but at least i'm cooking, right?
If i could ask anything of you at this exact moment in time, it would be to go see the Hangover. I laughed till i cried. Definitely a good time if you are not easily offended. And it puts you in a good mood so that when you get pulled over at 1230 at night because you're headlight is out and the cop decides to be 'gracious enough to let me off with a warning this time, missy' you dont have the automatic urge to oink at him. look at me being a polite member of society. but yes. see the movie. and then lets make a plan that when i buy my mail-order husband from romania that we will go to vegas for my bachelorette party and get schwasted.
the upcoming forecastfor life: starting back to zumba which frankly i'm thrilled over. i miss dancing and it always puts me in a good mood. what else... this Saturday if you're in town we will be out and about celebrating dawn taking her praxis. look for us at the usual spots. if you're lucky we'll end up at big times and let you play nudie photo hunt with us.
what else. kellie's wedding is quickly approaching. i need to get in the right frame of mind for this. thank pete we're going to get massages on the thursday before (totally my idea). i am mentally preparing myself for shirley temple curls. mom says if my hair is curly i'll look like an idiot. thanks mom. but the wedding itself is going to be very nice i think. a good way to end out this month with some of my best friends. even if i do have to wear a dress. (don't tell her but i really do think it is cute.)
so what else. there is a tree growing under my front porch. no shit. and its surrounded by poison ivy. its like a human death trap. i'm hoping if i whine enough the problem will take care of itself. frankly, i'm over living where i do. once we figure out the contract situation in November, life changes will be made, my friends.
oh so yeah. i sucked it up and got netflix. and holy shatner this is the greatest thing ever. between it and hulu i can watch everything I ever want. Except Hercules Reterns, which really annoys me bc I don't know where to find that, it's hilarious. Yesterday we got the first 2 discs, Role Models (not my pick) and Sound of Music (totally my pick) and watched them both. What I like most though is there are a lot of good movies that are streamed online. I tried to watch 2001:Space Odyssey for my 101 goals. i just could not get into it and fell asleep. I'm still counting it though. but this is definitely going to help with knocking all the movies off my goal list.
it's a beautiful day outside and it makes me sad being indoors, especially after a relaxing day in the sun all day yesterday. i'm finally getting non-pasty which is always good.
i'm also thinking of changing my hair color again before kellie's wedding. what color(s) do you guys think?
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Let Me Lie to You
this is just a short and random thought and i swear i'll write more later.
after reading about a CIA spy, i think i could be a good spy. not because i have exceptional love for this country or anything, but because i really and truly love lying. thats awful, yes. but i can lie to anyone. i dont even realize i'm doing it half the time. and my theory is that if i don't know any information about the govt or whatever, then all the better. i think they need to recruit common people rather than military people. we know enough to know nothing. i think i am nondescript enough to get away with it. i can be that stupid american tourist.
i wonder where i send my resume...
after reading about a CIA spy, i think i could be a good spy. not because i have exceptional love for this country or anything, but because i really and truly love lying. thats awful, yes. but i can lie to anyone. i dont even realize i'm doing it half the time. and my theory is that if i don't know any information about the govt or whatever, then all the better. i think they need to recruit common people rather than military people. we know enough to know nothing. i think i am nondescript enough to get away with it. i can be that stupid american tourist.
i wonder where i send my resume...
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