It's the first snow! I love the first snow. It's usually the only one I really love, after that it just gets in my socks and angers me. But the first snow...! This one promises of good/interesting times to come. Like I'm going to go snowboarding for the first time, on the premise of I get lessons only if I can refrain from throwing shoes. I hope I can manage. the shoe throwing part that is.
I had a craptastic start to my day, but it's gotten better. I woke up at 5AM to my dog puking on my bed. This is NOT how anyone should start their morning. In the process of freaking out and stripping my bed, she did the same in the hallway. Have any of you seen me in pure rage tears? Bc that's where I was. I locked her in her kennel and found a spare blanket to wrap myself up in burrito-style in hopes of getting another hour and a half of puke-free sleep. this did not happen as the dog started making terrible noises from the kitchen. i tried to ignore it but couldnt. which is good i didnt, bc her evilness had unlatched the bottom latch and had gotten her head stuck in teh door, choking herself. in a moment of Hulk-like strength i ripped the door off bc I didn't know what else to do. and then the rage came back and i went back to bed, this time shutting my door in hopes that if she puked anymore, it would be in the kitchen.
she didnt. but she did decide to tear up the carpet outside my door. thru the carpet, thru the foam, all the way to the wood. When I woke up (after sleeping thru the alarm of course) my head exploded in confetti-filled fury. twice. I am selling her to the gypsies and thats all i have to say.
so i've been dragging ass all day, with no help from my Mountain Dew, snickers bar, and leftover pizza. and my hair is silently trying to turn into a mini-fro. which has nothing to do with my state of awakeness, but it is really bothering the hell out of me.
I know I'm really bad about letting one thing set off a chain reaction of badness, and I need to calm the fuck down. I need to study Dudeism, and when things get bad, in the words of walter sobchak, i need to tell myself "fuck it dude, let's go bowling." (apologies for the deuce f-bomb dropping, but seriously, seriously.)
so to counteract the negative, lets talk positive. I enjoy my weekly evening with Seese. Whether we go out somewhere or just sit at the house watching the dogs be idiots, it's nice to have a semi-routine of time that you earmark for friends. this is similar to shainna and i watching the same tv shows from our different locations, and having commentary at the jr high level of 'omg, wtf, srsly?,lolz'. tv is what we do. that and bitch. but i digress.
i also like that we're having fake thanksgiving on saturday. some ppl aren't having any other thanksgiving, and some who are are only going out of guilt, so it's good to just meet up with some ppl and chill out while stuffing yourself. with stuffing. oooooh stuffing. and cornish hens. of which i have not had since Senior Trip when we went to Dixie Stampede and ate them without silverware. I think I may attempt to convince everyone thta this again would be entertaining. I bet the settlers didn't waste their time with silverware. or maybe they did. i wasn't there.
i'm also going to see the new bond movie, and we are all embarrassingly aware of my loving devotion to daniel craig. i would give up chocolate to touch his abs. mhmm yes i would.
i was looking over my list at what new things I need to do. I'm going to the grocery tonight, so I can get soymilk and maybe one of the 3 cheeses and search for a fruit or veg I've not had/enjoyed. Spinnach is the first that comes to mind, its evil lurking near my good foods. I don't know if I am ready for that one yet, I still have flashback so being little and crying, being told that Poppeye likes it, I will too. LIES.
Also, I have not been able to find postcards. Shouldn't they sell those...everywhere? I mean I know this isnt the tourist mecca of the world or anything, but surely somewhere in Mtown sells postcards. Maybe I'll make my own. The tagline would read something like "beer or rain. the only two liquids we see around here."
lately i have really missed school. i miss sitting in a classroom with people my age learning. i try to make up for it by reading the news and trolling wikipedia a lot, but it's not enough. I'm actually thinking of auditing a class in the spring, just to have something to do. Work will only pay for those that are relevant to my job, and i've already taken all the ones i can justify. I am on a kick recently of reading early-european historical fiction, and it's perked my interest. So that may be the next tangent I latch to, and give up my study of WW Dos. we'll see.
there are 37 days till christmas. The salvation army workers will prob come out soon, so I need to gather up the pile of change on my dryer and give to them and not to the candy machine downstairs.
do you ever feel like it's the calm before the storm? bc thats what i'm feelin right now.
If you can't find any decent postcards, you could always run back out to the antique place and buy some older than dirt. As long as you put a new stamp on them they should still send.
Heck, you wouldn't even need to put any new message on the back. They come pre-written
oooh, good call chris. actually, we should just go back there sometime anyway.
Any time you're bored and I'm conscious.
Assuming they're open that is.
And I'm not having dinner.
Or lazy.
Ok, maybe you'd better ask first just in case. . .
Daniel Craig makes my brain turn to applesauce.
And he was DELICIOUS in that film.
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