Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Gimme Your Stuff!

Gimme Your Stuff

This is goal #39: participate in Gimme Your Stuff

"What's it all about?
Welcome to the cultural exchange blog where you can swap items of significance to your area with items from others around the world. A conduit for many an international cuisine to change hands. A place where you can trade a newspaper from South Africa, or a CD from Finland. A place where we take no responsibility for anything anyone else does. A place where we are Changing the world with other people’s stuff"

So I can swap just about anything really.... postcards, magazines, clothing, candy,photos, music, etc. I can find stereotypical American products, or even handcrafted Appalachian products (I am from West Virginia). I do some of my own jewelry making, soap making, and knitting/crocheting, so if any handmade items sound like something you would enjoy, just let me know!

I would like to receive.... well.. anything really. Something traditional to your area. I love photography, i love touristy products,books, magazines, bags... anything. I would just be excited to receive something!

I will only swap once every few months to begin with, just to see how this all works. :)

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