I thought, for some reason, that I would make a list of the websites I visit on a semi-regular basis. I don't know why, but hey, maybe you'll like them too.
Etsy- handmade items of wonder!
ModCloth- fun, vintage items
Dooce- one hilarious blog from the gret stet of Utah
Dear Old Love- people write in their thoughts on ex's
Cake Wrecks- bc messing up cake is hilarious
Post Secret- a glimpse into the secrets of others
Passive Aggressive Notes- bc you want to tell them off... politely
Things My Boyfriend Says- bc guys say stupid shit.
A Softer World- i wouldn't necessarily call it a comic, you'll just have to check it out
Married to the Sea- this is a comic and it's hilarious
XKCD- another comic, but different
Astronomy Pic of the Day- awesome photos and graphics from NASA
BBC News- the only news source I trust
Weird News- speaks for itself
and then of course there's facebook and this and all that nonsense. but I think I gave you enough fodder to last awhile.
next topic. Kinder Surprise. I stumbled upon this phenomena on the interwebz (long story) and I am transfixed. Its a toy, inside a plastic egg, inside a chocolate egg. Brilliant! But wait, we don't get them in the US bc they were banned bc we're too stupid to not choke on them. Now, if you know me, once I'm told I can't have things, I reeeeally really want them. So now I want these chocolates. . I think they are sold in some specialty stores in the U.S. but the prices are raised since it's techincally illegal. They can be imported in, but the shipping cost is outrageous. So I talked to Ben and asked him to be a good boy and send me some from Australia for my Christmas present. He thought I was joking that we don't have them. No, Ben, I'm not. We are the only country in the world who does not have Kinder Surprise. but I guess when our leaders are prone to choke on pretzels, it's understandable that food products would be a sketchy area. So anyway. I'm hoping to get these awesome chocolate eggs for christmas from the land down under. perhaps not everyone that comes out of that country is a scummy, slimy, coward asshole. (whoa there, tangent much?) Anyway.. yay chocolates.
I was supposed to work in Pburgh tomorrow but am not now. This is good because now I dont have to get up at 6:15.
Go to the Olive Garden immediately and get the pumpkin pie cheesecake. It is so wonderful I nearly cried. Not really, but it is darn delicious.
1 comment:
the next time i'm in canada i will bring you home some kinder surprise eggs :-) the last one i got had some complex little ball game in it that took 3 of us like 20 minutes to figure out how to put together lol
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