Monday, December 10, 2012

So I may have mentioned this, can't remember, but last week i signed up to participate in the 13 days of love letters from More Love Letters. Google it. The short of it is people write in about people who need positive reinforcement or just to hear something nice. And getting mail, actual paper mail, is always a really great thing. Then a volunteer can sign up and you'll be given someone to write to. For the 13 Christmas days, everyone is given the same 13 people so they will be completely awash with letters of hope and love.

I'm a sucker for a hand written letter myself and I know how meaningful it is to me to receive one. So I thought I would join this and maybe make some small contribution to someone out there. And even for me (it's up to day eight now) it has been a positive experience. Writing to a total stranger and reminding them they are loved reminds you that you are loved. Reminding them things can get better also reminded me of how bad things have been and could be again but that there's always hope if you're willing to look for it. It's just a completely guy wrenching and wonderful thing. I think I will continue to volunteer to write for this project after the thirteen days are up bc it benefits me so so much and I can only hope it benefits someone else out there too.

I hope maybe you'll look into this too. Or something like it. Something small that can make a big impact. Every one needs loved. Sometimes they just need to be reminded.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The catharsis was a result of the reminiscing of the b'day night ... exercise, right? I thought so.