Wednesday, May 16, 2012

I had a completely craptastic day at work and since we didn't have practice I came home, took off my pants, and zoned out into tv land with Chinese takeout. None of these things were healthy or productive.

And then I watched This video

And realized I needed to get off my ass. And I went and ran on the treadmill and ran longer and faster than I have thus far. And I'm damn proud Of myself for that.

And I just had the most asinine conversation on the phone that was just a waste of time but you know what, I stood up for myself. Bc I'm worth it. And it's taken me this long to believe it, but I absolutely do. I am worth do much more than the worst i have ever been. And I feel good about it. Things will shake out how they may, but I stood my ground for what I deserve out of life and I'm not one bit sorry.

Thankful for: wavin flag, kids who are strong and make me feel strong. Fully believing I deserve the best out of life.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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