Fact. If you ever get to go to an Ethiopian restaurant, you should absolutely go. We went to one this evening and it's delicious. A lot of the same spices and flavors used at the Kenyan cafe at home. But the presentation is Awesome:
That is rachael housing some of the food. It's presented in this spinning dish. Thr bottom layer is this spongy bread. Then in the middle is your meat (we had lamb) and around it are your veggies and dips. There is corn kale potatoes peppers onions chickpeas and other things I don't remember. Spicy sauce. Mustardy sauce. Etc. and they serve it with more of the spongy bread:
I will say this once and you will never repeat it to my mother, but the rolled up bread feels like a flaccid penis.
Once you get past that fact, you tear off bits of the bread and use it to pick up the meat/veg/whatever. No utensils. And holy crap it is delicious. All fresh and spicy and wonderful.
And here is my hotel room with two beds all to myself:
I will sleep in the other bed tomorrow night so that you don't feel like your tax dollars are bein wasted, ok?
For now, I gotta sleep. We have to be at hQ stupid early (check in, metal detected, computer check stuff, etc.) so I'm going to bed now. Luckily we don't have to be as early thurs and will be able to go out tomorrow night.
I hope everyone is having a great day!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
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