here are some photos, to distract you from my phantom ulcer and my potentially cancer-ridden leg
(bc lets see the bright side here!)

you cant really tell in this pic, but my hair is getting ridiculously long. i like it a lot.

how completely pathetic does calypso look? its a new phone app, stupidly named BeFunkyFX. whatever. she is adorable and has been really wonderful these last few days. i swear animals know when something is wrong. she slept curled up beside my head last night.

same app. just felt like it was a good fortune. we all need some good karma in our lives.
something to make you laugh. i may or may not have momentarily convinced myself i was getting carbon monoxide poisoned. then i remembered my apt is all electric. i win at life.
but seriously, i am feeling a little better. food is staying where it is supposed to and the headache is only at a 7 as opposed to 10 from the last few days. to celebrate i'm going out to a fancy dinner. i'll even bother putting on makeup. bc if you have on makeup they cant see how scared you are underneath.
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