i had such a good time last night/this morning. there was a band playing at Gibbies last night (the tom batchelor band, you should check them out) and it was just great. i didnt even have much to drink but i decided that if i wanted to do things, i was going to do it. so when a stranger asked to dance, i did it. when i felt like dragging everyone else i knew to the dance floor, i did it. three hours passed in what felt like 20 minutes bc i was actually HAVING A GOOD TIME. it's a novel concept. or at least something i'd forgotten.
we went back to a friend's house til all hours of the morning so they could jam (bc somehow that is what always happens with people i know, which is a nice thing that i have such musical people in my life). somehow the last nine months of my life became topic of conversation. as much as i talk about it on here, i dont enjoy talking about it at all in real life. but i felt better that people agreed that it wasnt my fault. and in a really barbaric horrible way, i felt really good that my guy friends rallied around and offered to kick some ass. having guy friends has gotten me in trouble in relationships before when people are unjustly jealous, but times like now, it's nice to know they are there. i can take care of myself, but it's always nice knowing that there is someone with muscle having your back. hah.
i need to get off my ass soon bc mom is on her way up to shop. i know we'll end up at the craft store which is good, bc i need supplies to finish the five random crafts i offered to make on facebook.
all in all i had a good time last night. granted it was something like i would have done five years ago, but sometimes you just want to forget the problems of your life and listen to the music. and i need to remember to do that more often.
much love from me.
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