so the whole not sleeping thing is back again, which really isnt a surprise. for the past week i'm good to get four hours. last night i got nearly two. i figured it would be in my best interest to work from home today, in the event that i fell asleep and didnt want to make an ass of myself, but instead i feel like i've drank eightyfour thusand cups of coffee. tonight its sleeping pill land whether i like it or not.
so i've sat here and watched it rain with the dog and actually got a lot accomplished, which is good. the season six of the office finally came in and you better believe i'm spending tomorrow night watching it.
on sunday we're taking off adventuring to look at wedding places. there is one place i really want to look at that is just across the border in MD bc it just looks awesome. there's a couple other places around here that we want to check out. i think if we can just figure that part out then it will be easy.
things i'm trying to do. or rather, not do, include biting my nails. i've tried for however many years now to stop, and it is not easy. i know its my nervous tick, or one of them at least. maybe thats why i cant sleep, bc i'm going nuts without chewing my hands off.
positive things: tomorrow is bday cake day for sept babies at work tomorrow, which means i get to bask in attention and icing. saturday is the MD football game and work is taking us and tailgating. i dont know if i've mentioned this but i love my job. i love what i do, the people i work with, and the fact that they do things like this. in fact, the next weekend they are taking us to kennywood for fright night! yays
the electric flickered. storms a comin!
much love everyone
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