friday i took off work early to spend time with the CRJ and the Mrs. it was so good to get to spend time with them and run around town. ending the evening with furthering the Stranger's appreciation for Black Bear Burrito was quite wonderful. i'm pretty sure i could eat their queso cheese as every meal.
saturday we invested in what is quite possibly the best summer toy that thirty bucks can buy you:

however, calypso did not agree that it was a good idea.

i however, loved the shit out of it and spent 90% of the sunny hours like this:

we got bored and went driving and ended up going through grafton (which is such a pretty old town) and ending up at valley falls state park. let me tell you, it's beautiful there. it used to be a grist mill back in the 18whatevers and there are only bits and pieces left. but we spent quite a few hours there taking pictures with the Stranger's amazing camera. when he uploads them to the computer, i'll post them.
the fireworks downtown were not as impressive as hoped, but i will say that they were better than in the past few years. there were way too many people packed into ruby park, but i didnt freak out and get claustrophobic, so thats a bonus. it was fitting, for several reasons, that the little dipper was bright in the sky right by where the fireworks were going off.
also, jenny got engaged in vegas while we were watching the fireworks. congrats to jenny and john!
we went shopping this morning just to get out of the house and i found some ridiculous deals. i went with the purpose of finding a respectable black dress, bc i know i'm going to need one sooner than i'd like bc the Stranger's grandad is doing worse. it is not something you want to plan for, but i guess its something to expect.
in brighter new, someone has signed to take the Stranger's apartment but they need in by the end of the week, so we're going to get everything in here by wednesday. which means everything here right now is a total disaster area. but, it will be good once its all done, and it will be awesome to have to only pay half the bills again. (i swear, that is not the only reason the stranger is moving in.)
so all in all, this has been a wonderful weekend. i hope i have more like them. i am sure i will. even if i have a migraine right now, the overall 4 days was damn near perfect.
i hope everyone else had a great weekend. surely something more entertaining will happen this week that i can tell you about. now if you'll pardon me, i'm going to go hide in the dark for a little bit.
much love and sunshine.

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