after this we metro-ed back to the hotel. i love the metro. i think it is a great way to get around and call me a dork, but i think the platform area is beautiful:
so this morning after we checked out of Bates Motel we went to Mt. Vernon. As usual, it was COLD. COLD COLD COLD. there were no photos allowed inside, but we did get to see the 3rd floor area, which is only open 4 weeks a year. it was 2 guest rooms, a storage room, a china storage room, and martha's bedroom where she died. the rest of the house is pretty cool. Ol' Georgie really liked to paint the walls in Tiffany Blue and a weird minty green color that i cant quite figure out what to relate it to. guacamole? at any rate, even though it was cold i loved being able to see this place. to see the river and the house and know that so many important things happened here and so many important people have stepped through those same doors. yes. i am a nerd.
so that is the end of the photos, but there is still the drive home, right? it's not raining so it should be good, right? uh yeah. 1. lets just state it. i sing in the car. i sing or at least hum to myself most of the time. the shower, the car, while i'm doing dishes. i dont realize i do it half the time, but at least i can carry a tune. apparently this does not fly with my traveling companion. so i got angry and just went to sleep. until. we got to that lovely part of the journey called the Garrett County, MD line. you know, that part from g-county to the wv state line? that part that i fondly like to refer to as total bullshit? it got all icy and snowy and slushy and scary. brett, as mentioned before, has shit for wiperblades, and as we found out, no wiper fluid. we had to stop at every single exit to go to the gas station and clean off the windshield for the ice/salt/cinders. i was absolutely terrified and sat wth my eyes closed half teh time. the other half i saw at least six people wrecked. one happened right behind us and i watched him spin and go in the ditch through my side mirror. by the time we finally crossed the line and it cleared up, i was a mess.
and now i'm exhausted.
the weekend gave me a lot to think about. i'm trying to start this new year in a better way than i have the past. there are certain things i know i want out of my life, and i have to do my best to attain them. but i also learned i have a lot to let go. and that i have a lot to stew on.
thanks for joining me on the magical mystery tour that was my weekend in photos. i hope you all had a good weekend.
oh and before i forget. my uncle is doing a little better. the bleed has stopped and since there isnt really anything they can do further, they sent him home. so it's reallly like an extended waiting game now. so who knows.
i hope you are well. happy new year everyone.
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