i'm back among the ... well, i'm back. Christmas had both good and bad parts (good: seeing some family, Christmas party downtown with friends and former teachers, Christmas Eve church) and some bad (we'll not discuss those) and now I'm home ready for another short work week. The winter weather may change my NYE plans, but we'll see. All else, I may just be stuck in D.C. for a few extra days.
I did get a camera for christmas, so pictures of things will be at the end of this post. I also got a crockpot (hooray!) and 5 seasons of Are You Being Served, which my family after watching about 3 episodes thinks is stupid. I knew I was the one with taste. Mammaw gave all the kids money and the penny pincher in me is quite proud of all the purchases I managed to make with the sum. My favorite is a cloche hat. (look it up) I really like hats and dont often get to wear hats and this one, if I dare say it, doesn't look half bad. I should have been this age in the 1920s. It was an exceptionally good time for hats and music. I don't have a photo of said hat, but will have one shortly.
and now for some photos:

This is twice as funny to me because in undergrad and grad we used a book of this title for school. It takes too long to explain, but I'm glad that Santa (mom) has a fun sense of humor.

Shainna got Calypso a Snuggie. She looks so thrilled. :)

Joey also got Caly a Snuggie. So she shared her pain with Thor. The pink really brings out his eyes.

the christmas lights on my porch.

So I forgot to get a photo of the three blankets I finished before Mammaw took them out. So here is No. 4 that I started this weekend. I figure it's pretty manly looking.

And finally, my tree. Complete with Superman-sheet tree skirt. I might as well take it down today. I think I get more sad taking trees down than putting them up. but, there's no point in having it up now.
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