Note: she didnt actually cut the hand off. but she did get it stuck in an automatic door that dislocated and fractured and sliced open her finger. She'll prob put photos of it up here but be warned its not for the weak stomach types (re: ME). But she's out of commission for a few days, so I really am blogging for her.
So whats up, folks? Aren't you loving this sunshine. I'm sitting on the porch enjoying the last of it for the day. Much better than the monsoon we had this past weekend at Leah Marie's wedding.
And since photos speak so much louder than words (thanks to Lish for taking photos and letting me steal them):

Here is the lovely couple right as they say their I Do's. Note they are under a tent. The only semi-dry place. They look lovely in spite of the weather.

I wish I could find a photo that explains the rest of the evening. It was so wet and muddy, even under the tent for the reception that we all just kicked our shoes up and had a good time and danced in the rain and around the bonfire and had a hippie good time. I can't explain what it was like other than that it was the good feeling that being in braxton county gives me, and gives so rarely. But it was a great day, one that none of us will soon forget, no matter how much wine we had.
I am currently in love with this song and have deemed it one special ringtone on my phone. You may recognize it from the Bacardi mojito commercial, which is actually a pretty cool commercial as well. But I've had it stuck in my head for days now, but the upbeatness of it just perfectly explains how i've been feeling lately. The dancing with closed eyes and a smirk across a soaking wet dance floor with those I love and the sunshine on my face sitting on the back porch and the curling up at night. All these good things I periodically let myself forget that I regret forgetting later once I have them back. This is my summer happiness. Although this winter was probably the least bad I've had in quite some time, the summer is always so much better.
I am dogless this week, something I am both happy and sad about. She's staying in braxton on a 'vacation' and for the first few days I was glad to be able to get stuff done without having her chew on everything (i.e. the couch) but now, i'm startin to miss the evil poochie with her big sad eyes. I'll probably go get her this weekend, and then remember why I was glad I had the dog vacation.
What else. Little brother graduated from college and is not trying hard at all to get a job. This drives me nuts as you all remember how much I bitched about how I heard every day about not having a job. I guess they cant threaten him having to move home since he's already there. I sent out his resume for him to a couple contractors where i work, so hopefully someone will hire him. (Note: if anyone hiring computer nerds is reading this, my brother is a genius and i hate him for it. please give him job.)
So much is coming up in the next few weeks that I feel like my head is going to spin off. kellie's bridal shower and wedding, mom and dads 50th bday parties, shainna's bday and hopefully a trip with her to kings island, Aerosmith and ZZTop concert with brett, and dusty's wedding at blennerhasset (is that how its spelled, i'm too lazy to look it up), and hopefully HOPEFULLY a trip to the beach, though i'm thinking I might save my days off for when aussie ben gets here in december. but we all know i do better when i dont have time to think. and so that means i'll have a good summer. yes. i stand for that. this coming weekend is the first free weekend i've had in over a month and will have in around a month, so you better believe i'm sleeping and if its nice going up to Coopers Rock. I've not been to coopers in way too long now. Can't wait!
also i'm cooking now. i'll give you a second to read that again, process it, and restart your heart. yes. food. and not just shit out of a box, my friend. Ranae has inspired me, and plus now i'm not the only one cooking, and it's actually... dare i say it.... fun? Using spices at random without first measuring? Dicing veggies? Holy Shatner, the house hasn't burnt down yet and no one has died of food poisoning and i still have all my fingertips. Hooray for that, homies. hooray for that.
side fact. i just got made fun of for having a blog. tonya, you need to go show someone your hamburger finger. stat.
i think that's all i've got. or at least, thats all i'm going to put on here. some people dont want written about, haha. don't blame 'em, i guess the blogosphere is a pretty creeper infested place.
anywho. much love and sunshine from me to you until next tonya yells at me to write! :D
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