Good morning, kids. I hope you remembered the time changed. i do not like it Sam I Am.
So I am writing this on the Frankentop (Lappenstein. Whatever). I am not used having all my keys. The touch bar (or whatever that thing is called) is also very sensitive and i keep accidentally end up writing inside of other writing. But, it's nice to have something that is fully operational again. That said, I'd take a photo but I successfully broke my camera. Sigh
So lets start with the obligatory comment on the weather, eh? It's been so nice out that my mood has immediately been 1000% better. I drove all weekend with my shoes kicked off and the windows down, just as I always should. It makes me so happy and so sad as it is supposed to snow next weekend.
So yesterday I assisted in the preparation of not one but two weddings. Two very different weddings at that. And two very different weddings at that. But both are going to be fantastic. I made my peace with weddings at Shainna's so now I'm just ready to celebrate the love and have a good time. Which is good since I have 3 to attend so far this summer. I'm going to be one busy puppy.
A funny family-related note. I forgot until yesterday that mammaw would sometimes call me Little Miss when I was little and had done something bad. She did this again yesterday as I passed her and my aunt on the interstate. I heard about it later for sure. So what if I was maybe doing a little bit over the speed limit. It wasn't thaaaat bad! But really, I did have a great day yesterday getting to hang out with laura and seeing the whites and then leah and lukas and building a campfire. I miss fires and sitting around them and bullshitting about life. Those kids are happy together and I think it's great. lukas and i were talking about it and the best way to decide it is you just need to find someone your level of crazy. and i think that is brilliant and probably the most philosophical way to put it.
i also like how things come full circle in life. lukas lived in my old house before mom and dad moved back here. his room was in my attic. i lived in leahs house several times when i had to get away. now he and leah have their own house and are happy. it is weird the connections the universe makes. but i'll take it.
the upcoming week... i foresee it being exceptionally good for several different reasons. i'm going to enjoy this sunshine while it lasts. and you should too.
much love from me to you!
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