For those interested (mostly me, but hey, maybe some of you too) you'll be able to see the International Space Station zoom by in the sky tonight thru April 2. Here is a link of times and directions. They said that if you have good binoculars you will be able to make out the new solar panels.
Do you have some binoculars I can borrow?
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Monday, March 30, 2009
Rockin the Catbox
1. I stumbled upon the Archive of Misheard Lyrics today. And as much as you all know my love of music, this is like my heaven of jokes. I especially like the "Addicted to Love" version that goes "might as well admit it, you're a dick with a glove." I giggled. many times.
2. I have hiccups. i am timing them. its been 4 minutes so far.
3. I'm starting to have guilty love for my job. not for the work necessary but for the info i learn. I nearly got in an arguement with an old man IN CHURCH this sunday because he asked that we all pray for our miners bc ppl are ruining their lives and coal will always be the backbone of this state. mom had to give me The Look bc i was this close to getting on my soap box that coal use is going way down, that many states are eliminating their use of appalachain coal mined thru mountaintop removal (much legislation in this has happened in the last 5 years) and we need to get a clue and look into alternative sources of energy and get on the bandwagon so that those miners can get other jobs, like wind farm maintainance workers. or hydroelectric dam engineers. if my dad can get the hell out of the mines and get another college degree, any of them can. (steps off soapbox...)
4. I saw the movie The Wrestler last night. I didn't know how I would feel about it but it really is a very good movie. The story is very sad and it makes me want to go back to elementary school and watch WWF with my cousins. You remember how cool watching wrestling used to be, especially if an older relative thought it was cool. this automatically made things like Family Matters, doing the running man, cowboys football, and Rowdy Roddy Piper super rad. But yes, i recommend the movie and kudos to mickey rourke for getting his shit together long enough to make it and mega kudos to marissa tomei for having the guts to be naked through 98% of the film.
5. the hiccups are gone. joy!
6. home was good and i'm surprised i didn't post it at a higher number. good family time, a memorial service for a wonderful woman who was most definitely honored in a way she would have approved (with meatballs and music), good time with friends, finally giving foster back his damn shoes, chasing my evil dog out of the pond, and best of all chocolate peanut butter eggs! i have come home with some, and if you are nice enough i just might share.
7. i am little-kid excited because this weekend i am (probably) going to dave&busters for skeeball madness, followed by Monsters vs. Aliens in IMAX 3D. i can't think of a better day. well i mean i can, but it would just be added to this. yes, you do know what i am talking about.
8. i was trying to think of an 8th thing to say when chris bailes sent me THIS link. awwwedamame!!! which makes me think, christopher, you have not blogged random household items lately. ahem.
2. I have hiccups. i am timing them. its been 4 minutes so far.
3. I'm starting to have guilty love for my job. not for the work necessary but for the info i learn. I nearly got in an arguement with an old man IN CHURCH this sunday because he asked that we all pray for our miners bc ppl are ruining their lives and coal will always be the backbone of this state. mom had to give me The Look bc i was this close to getting on my soap box that coal use is going way down, that many states are eliminating their use of appalachain coal mined thru mountaintop removal (much legislation in this has happened in the last 5 years) and we need to get a clue and look into alternative sources of energy and get on the bandwagon so that those miners can get other jobs, like wind farm maintainance workers. or hydroelectric dam engineers. if my dad can get the hell out of the mines and get another college degree, any of them can. (steps off soapbox...)
4. I saw the movie The Wrestler last night. I didn't know how I would feel about it but it really is a very good movie. The story is very sad and it makes me want to go back to elementary school and watch WWF with my cousins. You remember how cool watching wrestling used to be, especially if an older relative thought it was cool. this automatically made things like Family Matters, doing the running man, cowboys football, and Rowdy Roddy Piper super rad. But yes, i recommend the movie and kudos to mickey rourke for getting his shit together long enough to make it and mega kudos to marissa tomei for having the guts to be naked through 98% of the film.
5. the hiccups are gone. joy!
6. home was good and i'm surprised i didn't post it at a higher number. good family time, a memorial service for a wonderful woman who was most definitely honored in a way she would have approved (with meatballs and music), good time with friends, finally giving foster back his damn shoes, chasing my evil dog out of the pond, and best of all chocolate peanut butter eggs! i have come home with some, and if you are nice enough i just might share.
7. i am little-kid excited because this weekend i am (probably) going to dave&busters for skeeball madness, followed by Monsters vs. Aliens in IMAX 3D. i can't think of a better day. well i mean i can, but it would just be added to this. yes, you do know what i am talking about.
8. i was trying to think of an 8th thing to say when chris bailes sent me THIS link. awwwedamame!!! which makes me think, christopher, you have not blogged random household items lately. ahem.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
What You're Made Of

So tomorrow is Mammaw's birthday. The photo is, I believe, her senior portrait. Many of you know my grandmother and know she is flat out my hero. She's raised just about all of us, worked as everything from a telephone operator to a secretary for the coal mines. She stood by my grandfather through cancer and kept the family from falling apart when he died. She made her own cancer seem like nothing more than a papercut. She shoots catfish for eating ducklings. She goes roller skating for her 70th birthday several years ago. She makes the best applebutter and hot rolls on the planet and if you said otherwise we might come to fisticuffs. I don't think it is possible that I could ever be as amazing as she is, and if I came just a little close that would be alright with me.
I appreciate her much more now that she's my only grandparent left. It sucks when you realize things like that, when you should have been appreciating them that much all along. But sometimes I guess it takes things like that to really make you wake up and get a clue.
I'm going home this weekend for a memorial service of a friend's grandmother. I can't imagine not being there because this woman tried her damndest to teach me to cook and because i want to be there for a friend who did the same for me when I lost the 3 grandparents back to back. I think even if we didn't speak for years, you go back and stand by someone when they need it most. And this is one of those times. To make it lighthearted (if you even can) i feel like a mafia member, going to represent the "morgantown family" for all of our friends who will be unable to go home. I'm glad I have people like this in my life, even if they cant be there for everything i know they're still thinking about me, you, whoever. we may not always get along but i know if anything bad ever happened it would be ok. You really find out what you're made of, and what those around you are made of when things are bad. which is why i try to write those dang letters, so i can tell people when things are good. feb and march are both in my purse as we speak. i need to steal stamps from mom while i'm home.
also, to sorta tie this all together, if any of my blogs can ever really be tied together, as of right now i'm going to be walking with ranae in the relay for life here in town at the end of next month. you should support us or join us. and if i don't get to, you should support/join ranae. yes, here i go with my 'causes' again. but this one is obviously close to my heart and i've been supporting it since 7th grade.
so yes. all this thinking about family and things and the weather trying to be nice makes me think of the baby chicks and ducks at the feedstore. i know i wrote about this on my old blog. i probably do every year. i told mom to look for photos of us with the baby animals, but i honestly dont know if there are any. but i loved going to pappaws store when it was baby chick and duck time in the spring. getting to play with all of them and picking out a favorite and beeeeegging mom to let me have one. which she never did. i still really want a baby duck. but i have a feeling calypso would probably eat it. but i'm glad i had experiences like that growing up. it may not be fancy, but it was good.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Stories that make me smile
Read this and smile.
I swear I'm going to start posting real things again soon. This will have to tide you over.
I swear I'm going to start posting real things again soon. This will have to tide you over.
Stock Options
If you guys went out and bought stock in cell phone chargers, I guarentee my dog would make you money.
How, HOW did she manage it this time, as it was plugged in above my head beside my alarm clock to charge? Luckily the phone is in one piece, but I found it in the hall way this morning. And only barely charged.
I think from now on I'm going to have to charge my phone in the bathroom, over running water, with guns and fireworks and bubble wrap pointed everywhere. then maybe i'll be able to keep a charger for more than a few weeks.
How, HOW did she manage it this time, as it was plugged in above my head beside my alarm clock to charge? Luckily the phone is in one piece, but I found it in the hall way this morning. And only barely charged.
I think from now on I'm going to have to charge my phone in the bathroom, over running water, with guns and fireworks and bubble wrap pointed everywhere. then maybe i'll be able to keep a charger for more than a few weeks.
Pause for the Musical Interlude
When I can't sleep i turn to youtube. In a very long round about way, I came across artists performing gnarls barkley's 'crazy' which is definitely on my top ten favorite car singing songs. I think we have discussed this previously.
so here are some interpretations of said song:
paolo nutini. i love his slower stuff, like "duo" with zazie, but this was interesting too.
ray lamontagne. i can not tell you how much i love this voice.
well, thats all i can find. so here's some other music thats stuck in my head.
bon iver (i can not fully explain my love for bon iver) doing an a cappella version of 'for emma, forever ago'
ok. thats probably enough. do you guys ever listen to my recommendations? not that i'm offended if you dont, i'd just like to know out of curiousity. i like sharing music, i think it explains lots of things in my world.
so here are some interpretations of said song:
paolo nutini. i love his slower stuff, like "duo" with zazie, but this was interesting too.
ray lamontagne. i can not tell you how much i love this voice.
well, thats all i can find. so here's some other music thats stuck in my head.
bon iver (i can not fully explain my love for bon iver) doing an a cappella version of 'for emma, forever ago'
ok. thats probably enough. do you guys ever listen to my recommendations? not that i'm offended if you dont, i'd just like to know out of curiousity. i like sharing music, i think it explains lots of things in my world.
Monday, March 23, 2009
My Hero
This little kid officially rocks. When all you readers spawn, put a guitar in their hand and teach them to appreciate the classics.
Friday, March 20, 2009
the value of money
i've been thinking about money today, for various reasons. i think this is just going to be a rambling blog so i can get thoughts on a page.
i had to take the car in this morning bc the Check Engine light has been on. They told me what was wrong with it (but I don't remember) and that it would run around 300 dollars or so to fix. I guess that isn't as bad as the last time, but still. Goodbye 300 dollars.
And then I was figuring up my budget because they're changing our pay cycle at work and our next check will be 36 hours shorter to get on the new cycle. It doesn't matter if you make five or fifty dollars an hour, a 36 hour shortage is a good chunk of money. Goodbye 36 hrs of pay.
I calculated that, at the rate I am currently paying, it will take me 10-13 years to pay off my student loans. Yes, I plan to make more than I do now and try and pay more on them eventually, but. The idea of being in my mid-to-late 30s before I can get rid of these loan payments are very depressing. Goodbye next decade.
But then I saw this news article and I realized that I could have so much more to complain and worry about. I could not have a job, a home, a meal, anything. And there are people out there who realize more than I do what that life is like and wants to help as many people as possible. So I took the money I had budgeted for "recreation and activities" for the month and donated it (which you can do here if you would like to). By not going to a couple movies or not eating out a few meals or buying a new pair of shoes I've helped a few people make it another day and have helped this organization continue their mission. I know I'm a sap and I know you guys probably think I'm nuts for getting involved in every non profit or charity that crosses my path, but I think the more you get involved the more you are thankful for the gifts you have in your own life already. Sometimes you need to be made aware of the fact that it really could be worse, so why don't you do something about it. Help yourself by helping others, I guess.
So maybe since it is the first day of Spring, maybe we can all get a fresh start. Go volunteer or support a cause. There are so many out there and I know one of them has to effect (affect? i suck as an english major) your life in some way.
on a different but similar topic, I've joined the office tournament bracket pool. so far i'm in second place. if i win, i think that will be my next month's donation money. the pool itself has been fun because everyone is ribbing on each other for their choices (and wondering how the crap I know anything about basketball) (answer: I dont, I totally guessed) and making this place more friendly and fun. yeah, the 'prize' is only 65 dollars, but, it could go toward something worthwhile.
i had to take the car in this morning bc the Check Engine light has been on. They told me what was wrong with it (but I don't remember) and that it would run around 300 dollars or so to fix. I guess that isn't as bad as the last time, but still. Goodbye 300 dollars.
And then I was figuring up my budget because they're changing our pay cycle at work and our next check will be 36 hours shorter to get on the new cycle. It doesn't matter if you make five or fifty dollars an hour, a 36 hour shortage is a good chunk of money. Goodbye 36 hrs of pay.
I calculated that, at the rate I am currently paying, it will take me 10-13 years to pay off my student loans. Yes, I plan to make more than I do now and try and pay more on them eventually, but. The idea of being in my mid-to-late 30s before I can get rid of these loan payments are very depressing. Goodbye next decade.
But then I saw this news article and I realized that I could have so much more to complain and worry about. I could not have a job, a home, a meal, anything. And there are people out there who realize more than I do what that life is like and wants to help as many people as possible. So I took the money I had budgeted for "recreation and activities" for the month and donated it (which you can do here if you would like to). By not going to a couple movies or not eating out a few meals or buying a new pair of shoes I've helped a few people make it another day and have helped this organization continue their mission. I know I'm a sap and I know you guys probably think I'm nuts for getting involved in every non profit or charity that crosses my path, but I think the more you get involved the more you are thankful for the gifts you have in your own life already. Sometimes you need to be made aware of the fact that it really could be worse, so why don't you do something about it. Help yourself by helping others, I guess.
So maybe since it is the first day of Spring, maybe we can all get a fresh start. Go volunteer or support a cause. There are so many out there and I know one of them has to effect (affect? i suck as an english major) your life in some way.
on a different but similar topic, I've joined the office tournament bracket pool. so far i'm in second place. if i win, i think that will be my next month's donation money. the pool itself has been fun because everyone is ribbing on each other for their choices (and wondering how the crap I know anything about basketball) (answer: I dont, I totally guessed) and making this place more friendly and fun. yeah, the 'prize' is only 65 dollars, but, it could go toward something worthwhile.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Monday, March 16, 2009
Hello, Stranger
Sorry for dropping off the planet, there readers. I just didn't have anything to talk about.
So whats new? I threatened to punch a gaggle of high school boys in their man parts this evening bc their cat calls pissed me off when I went to get an ice cream cone. I usually ignore shit like that, but something in my brain snapped. Probably the lack of chocolate.
I saw Watchmen and Last Chance Harvey this weekend. The first which i would recommend at any time and the second i would say you also have to be in the right mood to enjoy. Sadly, I was not at the time. However be forewarned, there are uncomfortable sexual advances set to terrible music in both.
I also learned how to jump a car battery yesterday which I suppose is a good thing to know how to do, but anytime I am in such a situation, I usually just freak the eff out. Bc freaking out is what I'm good at. And by helping jump the battery I really had a dance party with dave ryan in the colliseum parking lot.
So tomorrow is st. pats. I'm going out for a little while but i'm going to do the speed limit dammit. no ticket for me this year! (if i do get a ticket, i can see a repeat of the teenage boys incident, at which point i'd really appreciate if you guys would bail me out of jail. thanks.
tomorrow is also my dumbass dog's birthday. as is shainna's cat Lola. They are both 1. I'm waiting for her to magically calm down, but she ate a 7th cell phone charger this weekend, so there is no luck on my horizon. she just fell off the bed if that is any indication of how this year is going to go. lets take bets now of what household items she will eat. the winner gets.... well, you can have my dog if you want!
strange things are afoot at the circle k, and i will let you a-holes know more about it when i know more about it. but for now, lets just have a girly squeeling type moment.
So whats new? I threatened to punch a gaggle of high school boys in their man parts this evening bc their cat calls pissed me off when I went to get an ice cream cone. I usually ignore shit like that, but something in my brain snapped. Probably the lack of chocolate.
I saw Watchmen and Last Chance Harvey this weekend. The first which i would recommend at any time and the second i would say you also have to be in the right mood to enjoy. Sadly, I was not at the time. However be forewarned, there are uncomfortable sexual advances set to terrible music in both.
I also learned how to jump a car battery yesterday which I suppose is a good thing to know how to do, but anytime I am in such a situation, I usually just freak the eff out. Bc freaking out is what I'm good at. And by helping jump the battery I really had a dance party with dave ryan in the colliseum parking lot.
So tomorrow is st. pats. I'm going out for a little while but i'm going to do the speed limit dammit. no ticket for me this year! (if i do get a ticket, i can see a repeat of the teenage boys incident, at which point i'd really appreciate if you guys would bail me out of jail. thanks.
tomorrow is also my dumbass dog's birthday. as is shainna's cat Lola. They are both 1. I'm waiting for her to magically calm down, but she ate a 7th cell phone charger this weekend, so there is no luck on my horizon. she just fell off the bed if that is any indication of how this year is going to go. lets take bets now of what household items she will eat. the winner gets.... well, you can have my dog if you want!
strange things are afoot at the circle k, and i will let you a-holes know more about it when i know more about it. but for now, lets just have a girly squeeling type moment.
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Because I'm Ok with Embarrassing Myself

Mom is still randomly sending me old photos she's scanned. This gem is from Christmas of... 1989. I can tell by my AWESOME glasses. I think starting about age 4 I stopped being cute and was just a damn mess until probably my freshman year of high school (you know, when my bangs deflated, I got contacts, and I grew in the chesticle region) (i know, i know...but it is true.)
Laura however has always been damn adorable. I'm glad we were close enough in age to always play together. We did everything alike, had everything alike, etc. This is the year we both decided we wanted to be ballerinas when we grew up. but i'm glad we still are able to have fun together, harassing Michael (because that is what family is best for.) or 'playing dress up' (debating in the stores at the mall whether it is possible for sunglasses to be too big. they can't.) or humoring mammaw and her wild ideas.
my family may drive me nuts, but i love 'em more than anything.
although i still blame mom for my bangs.
An Internet Related Question
Dear readers.
I have a stupid internet type question. I guess in the long run it doesn't matter, but it's something that bothers me and I want to know.
So the backstory is. I have 2 screennames. One I always use and one I rarely use. If there was a word for less than rarely, then that would be it. I have the two linked on my little aim toolbar thinger. Now here's the question part. Sometimes the one I don't use disappears. I don't know what happens, if it signs me off that name or if it is just hidden or what. I use this one so infrequently that I forget about it until I have to restart my computer and it pops back up. And you know how little I ever turn this machine off. I think until I got frankenbot it had been at least a month since I remember even seeing my other little name up there in that aim window. And I was sitting here and it has already disappeared. Now granted, I might as well just unlink it because the one person I hadn't blocked on there I realized they were still on there today and blocked them. So it is a useless thing and I'm going to get rid of it. But I just really want to know why the other name disappears. So. can any of you tell me?
Also, I'm finding new features about this laptop I <3. This has that fingerprint scanner so I can lock it or it locks itself if it goes idle. I like this because that means I can feel safer about things on the days I have to work from home and because I never have to worry about anyone getting in my stuff when I forget to close links. (read: that time my myspace got hacked by that one person we do not discuss) I set up all that nonsense yesterday and it is really neato. I had to pick two different fingers to scan (in the event the primary one is injured or lost) (no, I am not making this shit up). And the nerd in me also likes that this has a built in webcam. Makes it easier to talk to a select few people who are entirely too far away from me. For a brief second I considered doing my kareoke goal as a webcam video and posting it on here. But then common sense won out and you guys really just dont want to hear that. :)
so now i'm going to get off here and go sit on the porch and read and enjoy the last bit of this nice weather before it starts raining and subsequently (tears) snowing later in the week. We are not pleased.
hearts and stars to you readers. hope your week goes swimmingly.
I have a stupid internet type question. I guess in the long run it doesn't matter, but it's something that bothers me and I want to know.
So the backstory is. I have 2 screennames. One I always use and one I rarely use. If there was a word for less than rarely, then that would be it. I have the two linked on my little aim toolbar thinger. Now here's the question part. Sometimes the one I don't use disappears. I don't know what happens, if it signs me off that name or if it is just hidden or what. I use this one so infrequently that I forget about it until I have to restart my computer and it pops back up. And you know how little I ever turn this machine off. I think until I got frankenbot it had been at least a month since I remember even seeing my other little name up there in that aim window. And I was sitting here and it has already disappeared. Now granted, I might as well just unlink it because the one person I hadn't blocked on there I realized they were still on there today and blocked them. So it is a useless thing and I'm going to get rid of it. But I just really want to know why the other name disappears. So. can any of you tell me?
Also, I'm finding new features about this laptop I <3. This has that fingerprint scanner so I can lock it or it locks itself if it goes idle. I like this because that means I can feel safer about things on the days I have to work from home and because I never have to worry about anyone getting in my stuff when I forget to close links. (read: that time my myspace got hacked by that one person we do not discuss) I set up all that nonsense yesterday and it is really neato. I had to pick two different fingers to scan (in the event the primary one is injured or lost) (no, I am not making this shit up). And the nerd in me also likes that this has a built in webcam. Makes it easier to talk to a select few people who are entirely too far away from me. For a brief second I considered doing my kareoke goal as a webcam video and posting it on here. But then common sense won out and you guys really just dont want to hear that. :)
so now i'm going to get off here and go sit on the porch and read and enjoy the last bit of this nice weather before it starts raining and subsequently (tears) snowing later in the week. We are not pleased.
hearts and stars to you readers. hope your week goes swimmingly.
So Much to Say, So Little to Talk About
Good morning, kids. I hope you remembered the time changed. i do not like it Sam I Am.
So I am writing this on the Frankentop (Lappenstein. Whatever). I am not used having all my keys. The touch bar (or whatever that thing is called) is also very sensitive and i keep accidentally end up writing inside of other writing. But, it's nice to have something that is fully operational again. That said, I'd take a photo but I successfully broke my camera. Sigh
So lets start with the obligatory comment on the weather, eh? It's been so nice out that my mood has immediately been 1000% better. I drove all weekend with my shoes kicked off and the windows down, just as I always should. It makes me so happy and so sad as it is supposed to snow next weekend.
So yesterday I assisted in the preparation of not one but two weddings. Two very different weddings at that. And two very different weddings at that. But both are going to be fantastic. I made my peace with weddings at Shainna's so now I'm just ready to celebrate the love and have a good time. Which is good since I have 3 to attend so far this summer. I'm going to be one busy puppy.
A funny family-related note. I forgot until yesterday that mammaw would sometimes call me Little Miss when I was little and had done something bad. She did this again yesterday as I passed her and my aunt on the interstate. I heard about it later for sure. So what if I was maybe doing a little bit over the speed limit. It wasn't thaaaat bad! But really, I did have a great day yesterday getting to hang out with laura and seeing the whites and then leah and lukas and building a campfire. I miss fires and sitting around them and bullshitting about life. Those kids are happy together and I think it's great. lukas and i were talking about it and the best way to decide it is you just need to find someone your level of crazy. and i think that is brilliant and probably the most philosophical way to put it.
i also like how things come full circle in life. lukas lived in my old house before mom and dad moved back here. his room was in my attic. i lived in leahs house several times when i had to get away. now he and leah have their own house and are happy. it is weird the connections the universe makes. but i'll take it.
the upcoming week... i foresee it being exceptionally good for several different reasons. i'm going to enjoy this sunshine while it lasts. and you should too.
much love from me to you!
So I am writing this on the Frankentop (Lappenstein. Whatever). I am not used having all my keys. The touch bar (or whatever that thing is called) is also very sensitive and i keep accidentally end up writing inside of other writing. But, it's nice to have something that is fully operational again. That said, I'd take a photo but I successfully broke my camera. Sigh
So lets start with the obligatory comment on the weather, eh? It's been so nice out that my mood has immediately been 1000% better. I drove all weekend with my shoes kicked off and the windows down, just as I always should. It makes me so happy and so sad as it is supposed to snow next weekend.
So yesterday I assisted in the preparation of not one but two weddings. Two very different weddings at that. And two very different weddings at that. But both are going to be fantastic. I made my peace with weddings at Shainna's so now I'm just ready to celebrate the love and have a good time. Which is good since I have 3 to attend so far this summer. I'm going to be one busy puppy.
A funny family-related note. I forgot until yesterday that mammaw would sometimes call me Little Miss when I was little and had done something bad. She did this again yesterday as I passed her and my aunt on the interstate. I heard about it later for sure. So what if I was maybe doing a little bit over the speed limit. It wasn't thaaaat bad! But really, I did have a great day yesterday getting to hang out with laura and seeing the whites and then leah and lukas and building a campfire. I miss fires and sitting around them and bullshitting about life. Those kids are happy together and I think it's great. lukas and i were talking about it and the best way to decide it is you just need to find someone your level of crazy. and i think that is brilliant and probably the most philosophical way to put it.
i also like how things come full circle in life. lukas lived in my old house before mom and dad moved back here. his room was in my attic. i lived in leahs house several times when i had to get away. now he and leah have their own house and are happy. it is weird the connections the universe makes. but i'll take it.
the upcoming week... i foresee it being exceptionally good for several different reasons. i'm going to enjoy this sunshine while it lasts. and you should too.
much love from me to you!
Friday, March 6, 2009
Peanut Butter Eggy Time
Regular posting will resume tomorrow, I swear. I just had to run away for awhile.
But, while I'm thinking about it. The library is once again selling peanut butter eggs (read: Mammaw's kick-ass half-pound peanut butter eggs. with icing flowers.) for $5 a pop. I wholeheartedly recommend them, and non just because it's my mammaw who's making approximately 1000 of them to be sold.
So even if you don't give two damns about the library, buy an egg for the sugary goodness. Let me know if you want one (or if you're in braxton, you know the right connections to make)
here is where i would put a picture of one if i had it. but i don't. perhaps when she starts making them i'll have mom take a photo.
But, while I'm thinking about it. The library is once again selling peanut butter eggs (read: Mammaw's kick-ass half-pound peanut butter eggs. with icing flowers.) for $5 a pop. I wholeheartedly recommend them, and non just because it's my mammaw who's making approximately 1000 of them to be sold.
So even if you don't give two damns about the library, buy an egg for the sugary goodness. Let me know if you want one (or if you're in braxton, you know the right connections to make)
here is where i would put a picture of one if i had it. but i don't. perhaps when she starts making them i'll have mom take a photo.
Monday, March 2, 2009
I Had This Idea...
...that Sutton could become a hub of green industry.
No, I'm not joking. hear me out.
I've actually been thinking about this for awhile. How the Sutton Dam (damn dam!) is just sitting there, letting water pass through, and not producing any electricity. For as much flood waters as the area gets, why aren't we harnessing that for power? Retrofitting the dam to do this would create jobs in the area which, lets face it, it needs badly. And why stop there? I think we need a wind farm in B.County. Do you even know how much power those suckers can produce? (look it up if you're interested, i'm too busy to paste figures). I've seriously considered presenting this information to the parentals and telling them we need a windfarm up on our hill. I'm sure they'd laugh at me, but seriously, think of it. The main factors against wind farms in our area are noise (bc if youre going to live in the middle of the woods, you want to hear the woods) and potential change in wildlife (and the hunters would be piiiiissed if that was disrupted.) but there are several places we could have a nice wind farm. how bout all that land by the outlet mall where they keep saying something is going to go in (race track, golf course, etc) and nothing ever has? how bout out in the wilds of Strange Creek!
I think things like this would be damn good for B.County. But it will never happen because too many old people are set in their ways. And their ways include coal. (yes, i just spoke out against coal. my relatives are all rolling in their graves.) but think. if we did this, WV wouldn't look like the suck. We'd be environmentally forward for once.
quick someone, write the governor.
No, I'm not joking. hear me out.
I've actually been thinking about this for awhile. How the Sutton Dam (damn dam!) is just sitting there, letting water pass through, and not producing any electricity. For as much flood waters as the area gets, why aren't we harnessing that for power? Retrofitting the dam to do this would create jobs in the area which, lets face it, it needs badly. And why stop there? I think we need a wind farm in B.County. Do you even know how much power those suckers can produce? (look it up if you're interested, i'm too busy to paste figures). I've seriously considered presenting this information to the parentals and telling them we need a windfarm up on our hill. I'm sure they'd laugh at me, but seriously, think of it. The main factors against wind farms in our area are noise (bc if youre going to live in the middle of the woods, you want to hear the woods) and potential change in wildlife (and the hunters would be piiiiissed if that was disrupted.) but there are several places we could have a nice wind farm. how bout all that land by the outlet mall where they keep saying something is going to go in (race track, golf course, etc) and nothing ever has? how bout out in the wilds of Strange Creek!
I think things like this would be damn good for B.County. But it will never happen because too many old people are set in their ways. And their ways include coal. (yes, i just spoke out against coal. my relatives are all rolling in their graves.) but think. if we did this, WV wouldn't look like the suck. We'd be environmentally forward for once.
quick someone, write the governor.
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Such Great Heights
You ever have one of those great weekends that's great because nothing that exciting happened? That doesn't make sense, does it. i should make a list.
1. i saw a polka band. no, this is not a joke. it wasn't intentional either.... but at the mall they were having a health fair and the entertainment for this event was.... a polka band. i suppose having to hear that all day would inspire me to get healthier. i also really want to learn to play the accordion now. no, not really. well...
2. i'm going to take a moment here to be a girl. and the female readers will understand this. but i got so darn excited yesterday when i was trying on new dress pants for work at NY&Co. and had to buy a smaller size than i usually wear. i've really been trying lately, to eat better and get active. and its nice when i can see the reward for the effort. and to make it better they were on sale for 8 bucks. you can't beat dress pants for eight dollars.
3. yeah then i turn around and bake a pan of brownies today. i used to bake brownies all the time (you didn't know that did you? me, bake things!) but i hadn't in awhile. i think i also cheated death or at least food poisoning because i think the eggs were past the 'sell by' date. oh well. it was nice to just hang out today with my music blaring, channelling the Dude in my bathrobe, getting stuff done around here. that is until...
4. my idiot dog ran away. i was dumping water outside from mopping and i barely had the door open before she took off. so i took off after her not even thinking that i was wearing my bathrobe. i was the epitome of stereotypical trailer trash, running down the road yelling at my dog. and you know the angrier i got the more the twang came out. needless to say, she spent a good part of the afternoon in the kennel and i no longer want a second dog!
5. I've recently become aquainted with the work of Anita O'Day. She was a jazz singer in the 40s-50s. I love this kind of music. And her story is an interesting one. That's my musical selection for you for today.
6. no thats a lie. other musical selections include Ben Folds singing my fav song and Ellen Degeneres' Bathroom Concert Series. I also have this theory that john mayer is one of the best guitarists of our (our?) generation, even if he does seem to act like a douchebag.
7. apologies for not being on here as often as i normally am. i've been stewing on myspace a lot. but i think i worked all that nonsense out finally. however i'll prob drop off the radar for a few days mid-week. so apologies in advance.
8. i got my new kicks so i am now ready to start this running nonsense with tonya. :) we're going to become runners, just you wait. if not, we're going to be damn fast walkers.
9. i think you can tell a lot about a person by looking at their eyes. i think thats why i feel the need to always make sure people look me in the eye.
1. i saw a polka band. no, this is not a joke. it wasn't intentional either.... but at the mall they were having a health fair and the entertainment for this event was.... a polka band. i suppose having to hear that all day would inspire me to get healthier. i also really want to learn to play the accordion now. no, not really. well...
2. i'm going to take a moment here to be a girl. and the female readers will understand this. but i got so darn excited yesterday when i was trying on new dress pants for work at NY&Co. and had to buy a smaller size than i usually wear. i've really been trying lately, to eat better and get active. and its nice when i can see the reward for the effort. and to make it better they were on sale for 8 bucks. you can't beat dress pants for eight dollars.
3. yeah then i turn around and bake a pan of brownies today. i used to bake brownies all the time (you didn't know that did you? me, bake things!) but i hadn't in awhile. i think i also cheated death or at least food poisoning because i think the eggs were past the 'sell by' date. oh well. it was nice to just hang out today with my music blaring, channelling the Dude in my bathrobe, getting stuff done around here. that is until...
4. my idiot dog ran away. i was dumping water outside from mopping and i barely had the door open before she took off. so i took off after her not even thinking that i was wearing my bathrobe. i was the epitome of stereotypical trailer trash, running down the road yelling at my dog. and you know the angrier i got the more the twang came out. needless to say, she spent a good part of the afternoon in the kennel and i no longer want a second dog!
5. I've recently become aquainted with the work of Anita O'Day. She was a jazz singer in the 40s-50s. I love this kind of music. And her story is an interesting one. That's my musical selection for you for today.
6. no thats a lie. other musical selections include Ben Folds singing my fav song and Ellen Degeneres' Bathroom Concert Series. I also have this theory that john mayer is one of the best guitarists of our (our?) generation, even if he does seem to act like a douchebag.
7. apologies for not being on here as often as i normally am. i've been stewing on myspace a lot. but i think i worked all that nonsense out finally. however i'll prob drop off the radar for a few days mid-week. so apologies in advance.
8. i got my new kicks so i am now ready to start this running nonsense with tonya. :) we're going to become runners, just you wait. if not, we're going to be damn fast walkers.
9. i think you can tell a lot about a person by looking at their eyes. i think thats why i feel the need to always make sure people look me in the eye.
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