Tooling around online as usual (one day, I'm gong to keep a record of things I google so you bastards can see how random I am) I came upon an add for new Tom's of Maine products. I am a fan of Tom when I'm feeling extra granola. Looking through the toothpaste (bc clearly that is mindblowing) I notice that several now come in fennel flavor. I know I should remember what that would taste like, but it was not there in the ol' memory. So I googled it, and shabam. Fennel is one of the main ingredients for the most delicious drink on the planet. Absinthe. Can I just state here that I am a fan? And it was right around this time last year in fact that I had my last encounter with the green fairy. We had a lovely chat around a campfire, and it was good. Jenny might say otherwise, but she is a creative writer. (Bc clearly that explains it...)
Granted absinthe is more anise-flavory (yes, for new readers, I make up my own words) but still. The idea of it boggled my mind so much that when I came to, I had ordered said toothpaste. It's just damn toothpaste! What am I thinking.... there goes the money I was saving for my brother's christmas present.
In other not so exciting but still libation type news ( bc according to Merriam-Webster, it can also mean the act of drinking ceremoniously) (and I only had to check how to spell ceremoniously twice), I'm headed to Columbus tomorrow for a weekend of celebration. I'll get to see the marrieds and party like a rock star. 'scuse me, party like a WW1 fighter pilot. They were hardcore, dontcha know. And if I'm lucky we'll make it to Sandusky on Saturday and get to ride roller coasters (clearly you can see the major flaw in this logic). I am working from home tonight to make up the 4 hrs I'm missing tomorrow, so tonight, I will be extra cranky. But if you want to hear about gas repressurization as a method to increase oil production, then I'm you person.
Question to everyone: Should I put the Daily Snaps on here everyday, or just have a link that you can go look if you feel so compelled?
I'm off to go write about the wonders of Oklahoma oil country. For some reason it makes me want to channel Daniel Day-Lewis in There Will Be Blood and shout "Bastard in a Basket!" But then maybe, maybe thats not the best thing to do when you sit in a cubicle.
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