Well. I'm wildly depressed. My kindle has died. Bc of the heat. I'm not even joking. And the warranty is up.
This was my favorite thing that zach got me. Well. Fav thing that I got to keep. I used it every single day.
With all the big expenses I've got coming up I can't afford to really drop the money for a replacement. I guess I could get a cheaper one. But. It's just not the same. It's not my kindle Christmas gift.
Meh meh meh. It's about to storm. That fits.
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Friday, June 29, 2012
Can't sleep. Went swimming and had dinner and cards with friends tonight. Then came home and alphabetized my books and shelved them. This made me feel so good. Thankful for the little things, laughter, pool water, and nobake cookies.

Also took this pic by accident but I like it bc you can tell I'm gettin some leg muscle from workin out. I'm kinda proud of myself.

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Also took this pic by accident but I like it bc you can tell I'm gettin some leg muscle from workin out. I'm kinda proud of myself.
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Wednesday, June 27, 2012
i havent really written in awhile but i feel very uninteresting. after the reunion and all that and life has calmed back down, i had that moment of super sadness where i allowed myself to be jealous of all my friends and their good relationship and kids and homes and lives. this sounds whiny, but i'm tired of always having to depend on myself. yes, i can take care of myself and everything, and i dont mind it, but. it'd be nice to have someone to come home to. that isnt rachael. not that i dont love her to death, but it just isnt the same. it just isnt.
but then i remember to be thankful for all the good things i have in my life. this is a really good reminder if you ever need one.
i cant decide what i'm goin to do this weekend, whether i'm going to go home (run away) or stay up here. there are pro's and con's to both really. i didnt sleep well last night so i'm just exhausted rightnow and the idea of thinking that far ahead is just not happening.
i wish i had something of interest to write to you. but i just feel like i'm in a holding pattern right now. yes, there are a ton of things that i'm goin to be doing in the next few weeks. but i dont know. i just feel like i'm waiting for something bigger and better than this. and i'd go after it if i knew what it was.
dad's birthday was yesterday and i got to thinking about how much i'm like him as i get older. we are both stubborn assholes who are very good at holding a grudge and very bad at communicating our feelings. but i think he too would give the shirt off his back to help a stranger in need. he and mom have been off on the motorcycle since monday. today they made it to somewhere in NC i think mom said. i'm glad they have that that they can do together.
more lately i want to try getting back on a motorcycle again. as a passenger of course. i'm way too scared of those things. i know they can be safe when with a safe driver. i dunno. we'll see.
i'm sorry i dont have anything more fun to write about. i did play a good deal at soccer tonight because we were short on players and everyone kept getting hurt. i feel like i'm still terrible, but i'm learning. and i'm not as afraid of running into people. its actually kinda fun.
anyway. i hope everyone out there in blog land is doing well. i love you all tremendously. calypso the wonder dog does too. well. she would were she not snoring away right now. haha.
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
Sunday, June 24, 2012
I'm so tired. Brain and body. But in a mostly good way.
Friday it took forever to get home bc of construction and wrecks. I was just done. But we had dinner at Leah's moms just like old times all of us sitting around talking shit. It just made my heart explode.
Yesterday mom and dad took the lot of us to breakfast at waffle hut. I love that my parents love my friends and vice versa. In hind sight I realize we all spent a lot of time at our house, and the parents took care of all of us the same. We were goig to go to the friends and family picnic but skipped it to go to the lake. I love the lake. I love everything abt the lake. I'm happier when I'm swimming and or on a boat. Love love.
The actual reunion dinner was not so bad. It started awkward but then everyone got a few drinks in and everyone was friendly. It really was good to catch up with some of them. I've made plans to visit some of them that I haven't talked to in years. The food was mediocre but what do you expect?
Most people went to Leah's dads farm afterward, which is also tradition. It was just good for my heart to see everyone and bs and drink around a bonfire. Strange to hang out with not one but three different boyfriends there (more ppl not from our class came to the after party. Also normal.) it's funny how after a long time you can still work up a twinge of feeling for someone. It was a nice nostalgic moment.
Today I drove Amanda to Pittsburgh to catch her flight to Ireland. I spent five hrs total in the car. There are very few ppl who I'd do that for.
I did feel out of place at the reunion, not having a husband or kid. Not even a boyfriend. No one made any comments like I was afraid of but still. I won't lie it made me feel sporadically worthless. But I know I've worked hard for where I am and I'm thankful for that. I'm just ready for more. Something more.
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Friday it took forever to get home bc of construction and wrecks. I was just done. But we had dinner at Leah's moms just like old times all of us sitting around talking shit. It just made my heart explode.
Yesterday mom and dad took the lot of us to breakfast at waffle hut. I love that my parents love my friends and vice versa. In hind sight I realize we all spent a lot of time at our house, and the parents took care of all of us the same. We were goig to go to the friends and family picnic but skipped it to go to the lake. I love the lake. I love everything abt the lake. I'm happier when I'm swimming and or on a boat. Love love.
The actual reunion dinner was not so bad. It started awkward but then everyone got a few drinks in and everyone was friendly. It really was good to catch up with some of them. I've made plans to visit some of them that I haven't talked to in years. The food was mediocre but what do you expect?
Most people went to Leah's dads farm afterward, which is also tradition. It was just good for my heart to see everyone and bs and drink around a bonfire. Strange to hang out with not one but three different boyfriends there (more ppl not from our class came to the after party. Also normal.) it's funny how after a long time you can still work up a twinge of feeling for someone. It was a nice nostalgic moment.
Today I drove Amanda to Pittsburgh to catch her flight to Ireland. I spent five hrs total in the car. There are very few ppl who I'd do that for.
I did feel out of place at the reunion, not having a husband or kid. Not even a boyfriend. No one made any comments like I was afraid of but still. I won't lie it made me feel sporadically worthless. But I know I've worked hard for where I am and I'm thankful for that. I'm just ready for more. Something more.
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Friday, June 22, 2012
Thursday, June 21, 2012
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
Monday, June 18, 2012
I finally finally got a Calypso lotto ticket!! I found them at Sheetz today. I had to buy four others to get to hers so that's ten bucks total out. And hers is the only one that had any winnings (three whole dollars) which I won't bother turning in.
I had a really great weekend full of evil fun. Upon telling Brandon about everything he told me, "you're still evil, mind you. But you've so totally scaled thr mountain of normal evil and reached the top. That's like, batman billion evil. I'm so proud of you." lol.
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Saturday, June 16, 2012
Thursday, June 14, 2012
I don't talk abt my friend thrasher much on here bc I see him so rarely. But we went to Cumberland tonight to visit him and ended up at a playground and it was just the best evening. He is such a positive influence in my life. I'm so thankful for that. And for the many many other people who mean so very much to me.

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Tuesday, June 12, 2012
so jenny has been trying to get me to sign on for a vacation with her. and i decided you know what, i haven't had a real vacation in 3 years. so i'm going to use the time i was banking for that thing that was supposed to happen called a honeymoon, and i'm going to St. John for a week (during which is my birthday) and staying in a treehouse and doing crafts and laying in the sand and just having myself a relaxing, no cellphone kind of time.
i cannot begin to tell you how nerve wracking it was to convince myself to fork out the money for the plane ticket. the actual week there is dirt cheap (plus extras for things like boat rentals and snorkeling and etc.) but fuck it. FUCK IT. i deserve it.
Here is where we are going.
so please start praying now for no hurricanes or horrible weather, bc i'm pretty sure i will cry.
at soccer practice this evening we were dicking around and i started doing rockette style kicks. turns out if i kick a soccer ball like that, i can put some serious power behind it. so i'll be busting out the dance moves from now on.
i'm just so pumped up right now. vacation! vacation!!
Monday, June 11, 2012
Sunday, June 10, 2012
I haven't been on here much bc I've just been so incredibly busy. Which is nice. Very very nice.
We have been participating in the united way corporate cup with work all weekend which has been a lot of fun. I'm so glad I work for a company that cares about the community and the people in it. I think we are currently in third place with four events left to play. Tug of war yesterday was probably one of the most intense experiences ive had with my coworker family. It may sound silly but i cheered and yelled and lost my voice.
Some of us went to pittsburgh last night for the pirates game and boyz II men concert following. It was the perfect evening for baseball. And when the show closed with Motown Philly, well. All my third grade hopes and dreams came true.
Today is the closing of CC and such a beautiful day to boot. I'm currently sitting on the back porch with the dog. Things may not be perfect in my life but I am thankful for moments like this one. This is a very very good one.
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Thursday, June 7, 2012
Tuesday, June 5, 2012
Monday, June 4, 2012
we lost yet another game tonight, but its so much fun that i'm ok with it.
there really isnt much going on thats post worthy, but i did want to share this photo:
the third from left (back row) is my uncle mick in vietnam in 1968. he was 19 and the squad leader and the kid in the middle without his shirt on didnt come back from the ambush they were preparing to go on in this photo. stuff like that just absolutely blows my mind. at 19 i was spending too much time drinking cheap vodka and pretending i liked my philosophy class. i can't imagine what he did, and what men and women have, do, and will do every day. it almost makes me sick to my stomach. and yet proud.
also i still havent slept well and its driving me crazy.

Saturday, June 2, 2012
Finally gettin to watch all the hatfield and McCoy miniseries. I didn't realize that one of the actors who plays a McCoy is from wv and one who plays a hatfield is from prestonsburg ky where z is from.
I think it's all very interesting really.
I had a really great night at the relay for life. We raised so much money and I just felt good about it all. However I've only had abt four hours sleep since Friday morning. I'm to the point of exhausted where I am wide awake.
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I think it's all very interesting really.
I had a really great night at the relay for life. We raised so much money and I just felt good about it all. However I've only had abt four hours sleep since Friday morning. I'm to the point of exhausted where I am wide awake.
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