so i've been laying here reading through all my posts for the year 2010. they're really all over the place, arent they?
i guess you dont realize how bad things were until you can look back on it. and last winter, i was a mess. thank the good lord for anti-depressants. and you people, bc you listened to my rambling mess and were here for me through the whole thing.
i am proud of myself, bc once i realized i had to do something, things in my life really started turning around. i got help, i got a new job, i got a new living space. i got the stranger.
common trends throughout my posts were: how the weather changes my moods (we knew that already though), crazy dreams i've had, and random childhood memories.
there has been some of the same old worries, same old 'what ifs'. but i've got a whole new set of what ifs ahead of me. and i know for the first time that they are good what ifs. that i'm important in the grand scheme of things and that i have a future. The Stranger has done more good for me than he'll ever realize. i fully believe that the universe and eharmony got it right hand picking him for me.
i've tried to do good things this year charity wise, and i know this wont change next year. i feel better when i can do things for others and i think i always will.
i've had a lot of fun memories including going to the nuthouse for my birthday, getting to spend time with brandon and mandy in the summer, the gator pool goodness, everything that has happened with my job and the friends i've made there, extra special christmas gifts, trips to see everyone in the tri-state area, etc. i have many many things to be thankful for.
there are a lot of changes that are going to occur in 2011 and i'm equally happy and scared for them. there's still no set date for the wedding, which is ok really, i dont mind if it is in 2012. then there are several other things coming up, like whether the Stranger decides to go to law school, and where, that could change a lot of things. like where we live. while i love our little townhouse, it is just that, too little for the two of us and our stuff. so even if we dont move, we're probably going to move at some point.
i'm not going to pretend that i have a clue about this next year. but i know i'm in a better place and i can see when my ups and downs happen and have a better idea of how to deal with them. in fact i'm going back to the doctor on tuesday just to get my medicine tweaked bc i realize i've been sliding down again. and i want to head that off. a good start to a new year. going to the gym, trying my damnedest to keep my head above water.
and for now, i'm going to lay here and read for another hour, before i go pretty myself up for a NYE with some of the people i love the most in this zipcode. i hope everyone has a great new year and know that i love each and every one of you and i'm grateful to have you in my life.
Friday, December 31, 2010
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
I love Joe Beth bookstore in Lexington. I took the last of my winnings and bought two tshirts. But not just any shirt, oh no. Book cover image tshirts.
Do you know how hard it is for me to choose?! I finally settled on pride and prejudice and lord of the flies. I want them all. The nerd in me squeals with joy.
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Do you know how hard it is for me to choose?! I finally settled on pride and prejudice and lord of the flies. I want them all. The nerd in me squeals with joy.
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I finally watched Inception last night. I can see the draw of wanting to live out life in the dream a little to clearly. My dream world would be nothing like this. Does that mean I'm unhappy or just have a good imagination?
We are heading back to Morgantown today. I've had a really good time visiting Laura and Mark. I wish they lived closer. Who knows, maybe we will end up here, restoring one of these beautiful old houses.
I'm in a weird mood. I blame it on how grey it is outside. Meh.
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We are heading back to Morgantown today. I've had a really good time visiting Laura and Mark. I wish they lived closer. Who knows, maybe we will end up here, restoring one of these beautiful old houses.
I'm in a weird mood. I blame it on how grey it is outside. Meh.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Day two of vacation, why am I awake before noon? This is unacceptable!
So overall I would say the holidays have gone pretty well. Once you get past the family drama, waking up first on Christmas only bc I have a migraine, and your friend nearly driving over the hill bc your road is solid ice, I'd say it was pretty good indeed. I got the usual assortment of books (hooray Pride and Prejudice and Zombies graphic novel!), movies (Shirley temple, much to the strangers dismay), and clothes. I still haven't figured out where or how I lost my black dress coat, but I got a very awesome military-ish one to replace it. And a new north face fleece bc I don't know if you know this but it's damn cold out there.
My mom, being my mom thought it'd be funny to get the stranger a ridiculous gift. Luckily he's ridiculous enough to play along. So for a better part of two days I saw this walking around:

Can you take that seriously? Bc I can't. Haha.
My friend kellie and her husband came to visit and forgot what it's like to drive in wv in winter and nearly put their car over the hill. Dad and the stranger had to go rescue them, so that was how they met for the first time. She was more than impressed and had wholeheartedly given her blessing. Especially to his accent, haha. It seems to win everyone over.
So now I'm in Lexington enjoying the first part of my vacation with Laura, mark, and Weezer the dog. Last night we saw quite possibly the most amazing (and by that I mean horrifying) karaoke on the planet. An epic win for all in attendance.
Speaking of winning, I totally hustled the stranger for an obscene amount of money on Sunday. He kept betting me that he'd get a better score at the dance game on Kinect than I would. I tripled his measly score more than once. Being the type who can't handle losing, we kept going. I had a lovely time spending my winnings at Express yesterday and I have my eye on a Uk hoodie that he will be purchasing today. Winning is GOOD.
I have no clue what we are doing the rest of the week. For now I'm enjoying being able to sleep and read as much as I please and getting to spend time with people I don't often get to see.
I hope your holiday was a good one and that you've got your new year goal. I'm still trying to decide on mine. I've got a pretty good idea.
Much love in this cold and snowy weather!
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So overall I would say the holidays have gone pretty well. Once you get past the family drama, waking up first on Christmas only bc I have a migraine, and your friend nearly driving over the hill bc your road is solid ice, I'd say it was pretty good indeed. I got the usual assortment of books (hooray Pride and Prejudice and Zombies graphic novel!), movies (Shirley temple, much to the strangers dismay), and clothes. I still haven't figured out where or how I lost my black dress coat, but I got a very awesome military-ish one to replace it. And a new north face fleece bc I don't know if you know this but it's damn cold out there.
My mom, being my mom thought it'd be funny to get the stranger a ridiculous gift. Luckily he's ridiculous enough to play along. So for a better part of two days I saw this walking around:
Can you take that seriously? Bc I can't. Haha.
My friend kellie and her husband came to visit and forgot what it's like to drive in wv in winter and nearly put their car over the hill. Dad and the stranger had to go rescue them, so that was how they met for the first time. She was more than impressed and had wholeheartedly given her blessing. Especially to his accent, haha. It seems to win everyone over.
So now I'm in Lexington enjoying the first part of my vacation with Laura, mark, and Weezer the dog. Last night we saw quite possibly the most amazing (and by that I mean horrifying) karaoke on the planet. An epic win for all in attendance.
Speaking of winning, I totally hustled the stranger for an obscene amount of money on Sunday. He kept betting me that he'd get a better score at the dance game on Kinect than I would. I tripled his measly score more than once. Being the type who can't handle losing, we kept going. I had a lovely time spending my winnings at Express yesterday and I have my eye on a Uk hoodie that he will be purchasing today. Winning is GOOD.
I have no clue what we are doing the rest of the week. For now I'm enjoying being able to sleep and read as much as I please and getting to spend time with people I don't often get to see.
I hope your holiday was a good one and that you've got your new year goal. I'm still trying to decide on mine. I've got a pretty good idea.
Much love in this cold and snowy weather!
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Tuesday, December 21, 2010
headache and the holidays
this holiday season, besides the migraine that kept me at home today, has actually started out really wonderful. I really enjoyed spending time with the Stranger in Laws. they are fun and they are really great to me and I'm thankful for that. they spoiled the hell out of me like i really was one of their own.
we stopped in charleston on the way home to see moms side of the family at their big christmas party. all my aunts are in love with the Stranger and the way he talks. they kept making him say different words and even made him count to sixty. haha. i was embarrassed but he seemed to enjoy himself and it all went great. until the whole getting pulled over by the state police. as it turns out, my plates have been expired since June. woops! thats what i get for counting on dad to keep my car in shape. so that will all be taken care of when we head to braxton in a few days.
yesterday we had a christmasy lunch at work. i cant say enough about how much i love my job and the people i work with. they arent just coworkers, they are some of my best friends.
however today i feel like death with a migraine. i suppose life cant be perfect all the time. i did get a lot done workwise while i watched Golden Girls all day. and when the Stranger gets home we're having surprise dinner and then playing Kinect. or probably, me continuing to lay on the couch watching the Stranger attempt to play the dance game. God love him, he's terrible at it. he has rhythm but trying to do preset dancing is beyond him. i spent part of the evening last night yelling 'right clap left clap back two three four fist pump fist pump robot two three four' i spent more time laughin than anything.
i really want some brie.
i'm excited for the rest of this week. this holiday season is so much different than last years. this whole winter is so much better than the last. i cant even begin to put it all into words. thank you lord for antidepressants. and a multitude of other things, haha.
also, happy late bday to the CRJ all the way out in the middle of nowhere.
i hope everyone is having a good day/week/christmas season. much love to all of you
we stopped in charleston on the way home to see moms side of the family at their big christmas party. all my aunts are in love with the Stranger and the way he talks. they kept making him say different words and even made him count to sixty. haha. i was embarrassed but he seemed to enjoy himself and it all went great. until the whole getting pulled over by the state police. as it turns out, my plates have been expired since June. woops! thats what i get for counting on dad to keep my car in shape. so that will all be taken care of when we head to braxton in a few days.
yesterday we had a christmasy lunch at work. i cant say enough about how much i love my job and the people i work with. they arent just coworkers, they are some of my best friends.
however today i feel like death with a migraine. i suppose life cant be perfect all the time. i did get a lot done workwise while i watched Golden Girls all day. and when the Stranger gets home we're having surprise dinner and then playing Kinect. or probably, me continuing to lay on the couch watching the Stranger attempt to play the dance game. God love him, he's terrible at it. he has rhythm but trying to do preset dancing is beyond him. i spent part of the evening last night yelling 'right clap left clap back two three four fist pump fist pump robot two three four' i spent more time laughin than anything.
i really want some brie.
i'm excited for the rest of this week. this holiday season is so much different than last years. this whole winter is so much better than the last. i cant even begin to put it all into words. thank you lord for antidepressants. and a multitude of other things, haha.
also, happy late bday to the CRJ all the way out in the middle of nowhere.
i hope everyone is having a good day/week/christmas season. much love to all of you
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Thursday, December 16, 2010
i dont know if you know this, but it is snowing outside.
our office sent everyone home before it got too bad out, which it already was by the time i left, but it's still pouring it down out. i'm worried about the Stranger getting home, bc he works out in bfe nowhere, and his snow tires are currently sitting in the hallway as they finally came in the mail today.
this weather better let up soon bc we are heading to KY tomorrow evenin. i may work from home tomorrow just bc i can. hooray for a solid week of christmasing. i'm actually really in the mood this year. maybe its enough time away from working retail finally, or maybe bc for the first time in a long time i'm going to have a legitimately good christmas. to top it off, neither mom or dad have to work christmas eve/day/night so we actually get to wake up at an ungodly early hour and do that christmas thing that most people do, instead of sleeping in and watching crap tv waiting for dad to get home from the hospital. and we decided that if the weather cooperates, we're going to head to lexington for the beginning part of vacation. i'm excited at the idea of spending time with laura (probably discussing weddingy type things and/or being lazy) and the stranger is excited to get to go spend time with his friends and have boy bromance whatever it is. the gumby suit will probably be making the trip with us, so be prepared for ridiculous photos.
everyone be safe out there. stay inside and watch tv if you can (harry and the hendersons is on netflix and i'm beyond thrilled at the moment.)
much love to everyone from the arctic circle of motown!
our office sent everyone home before it got too bad out, which it already was by the time i left, but it's still pouring it down out. i'm worried about the Stranger getting home, bc he works out in bfe nowhere, and his snow tires are currently sitting in the hallway as they finally came in the mail today.
this weather better let up soon bc we are heading to KY tomorrow evenin. i may work from home tomorrow just bc i can. hooray for a solid week of christmasing. i'm actually really in the mood this year. maybe its enough time away from working retail finally, or maybe bc for the first time in a long time i'm going to have a legitimately good christmas. to top it off, neither mom or dad have to work christmas eve/day/night so we actually get to wake up at an ungodly early hour and do that christmas thing that most people do, instead of sleeping in and watching crap tv waiting for dad to get home from the hospital. and we decided that if the weather cooperates, we're going to head to lexington for the beginning part of vacation. i'm excited at the idea of spending time with laura (probably discussing weddingy type things and/or being lazy) and the stranger is excited to get to go spend time with his friends and have boy bromance whatever it is. the gumby suit will probably be making the trip with us, so be prepared for ridiculous photos.
everyone be safe out there. stay inside and watch tv if you can (harry and the hendersons is on netflix and i'm beyond thrilled at the moment.)
much love to everyone from the arctic circle of motown!
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Sunday, December 12, 2010
i'm trying to decide if i should be ashamed or not that i am sitting here on the computer while the Stranger is dusting. i'm sure there is some guilt buried down in there somewhere, but if he wants to clean, i'm not going to be the one to stop him.
at last, all of my shopping is 100% complete. i like seeing all the presents under our sad little tree. most of the ones that need shipped off to the far reaches of the planet have made their way, and i think they've been well received. i'm told i'm getting many cookies from Kansas, and for this i am MOST excited. of course, i also got excited (and a little alarmed really) to see that kroger was already selling cadbury easter eggs, but, i am not one to complain about them. yum yum.
this week officially starts the holiday get togethering. tuesday we are taking a photo at work of our tackiest holiday attire as a surprise for our company president. i'm going to have to break out the finery for this one! and then this weekend we are heading for the wilds of Kentucky for christmas with the Stranger in Laws since we're spending the actual day with my family. we got his niece the coolest crayola glow in the dark spinny thing that, if i'm being honest here, i want her to open so that i can play with it with her. why didnt we have anything this awesome when we were little???
sunday on our way back north we are stopping at moms side of the family's holiday get together. this is when the stranger will finally get to meet ALL billion of them. (maybe thats an exaggeration. but mom does have 6 brothers and 2 sisters. and when you add in spouses and children and grandchildren... well i'd have to take my shoes and your shoes off to count us all.
the wedding planning has come to a halt for now. we're seriously debating putting it off til 2012 so that we can have exactly what we want without any compromises. it's not what we'd rather do, but sometimes, you just have to make choices. we'll see.
it's starting to snow again and we are expected to get quite a bit. thank goodness the Stranger goes to work before i do, bc he digs my car out while he does his. as long as it snows on christmas, it can stop immediately after for all i'm concerned.
we still havent finalized plans for new years. the strangers work gave him some tickets for some sort of special hockey game in pburgh that happens that day. something about it being outside? i dont know. but i cant imagine that that would be any kind of fun sitting in the snow all day. i guess we will see, i could be wrong. we may not even go up there. (it kills me not having a plan. i NEED A PLAN)
i have pretty much been a sloth all weekend and i am not ashamed. sometimes you just need to stay in your sweatpants.
i hope all is well wherever you may be. lovelove and sunshine
at last, all of my shopping is 100% complete. i like seeing all the presents under our sad little tree. most of the ones that need shipped off to the far reaches of the planet have made their way, and i think they've been well received. i'm told i'm getting many cookies from Kansas, and for this i am MOST excited. of course, i also got excited (and a little alarmed really) to see that kroger was already selling cadbury easter eggs, but, i am not one to complain about them. yum yum.
this week officially starts the holiday get togethering. tuesday we are taking a photo at work of our tackiest holiday attire as a surprise for our company president. i'm going to have to break out the finery for this one! and then this weekend we are heading for the wilds of Kentucky for christmas with the Stranger in Laws since we're spending the actual day with my family. we got his niece the coolest crayola glow in the dark spinny thing that, if i'm being honest here, i want her to open so that i can play with it with her. why didnt we have anything this awesome when we were little???
sunday on our way back north we are stopping at moms side of the family's holiday get together. this is when the stranger will finally get to meet ALL billion of them. (maybe thats an exaggeration. but mom does have 6 brothers and 2 sisters. and when you add in spouses and children and grandchildren... well i'd have to take my shoes and your shoes off to count us all.
the wedding planning has come to a halt for now. we're seriously debating putting it off til 2012 so that we can have exactly what we want without any compromises. it's not what we'd rather do, but sometimes, you just have to make choices. we'll see.
it's starting to snow again and we are expected to get quite a bit. thank goodness the Stranger goes to work before i do, bc he digs my car out while he does his. as long as it snows on christmas, it can stop immediately after for all i'm concerned.
we still havent finalized plans for new years. the strangers work gave him some tickets for some sort of special hockey game in pburgh that happens that day. something about it being outside? i dont know. but i cant imagine that that would be any kind of fun sitting in the snow all day. i guess we will see, i could be wrong. we may not even go up there. (it kills me not having a plan. i NEED A PLAN)
i have pretty much been a sloth all weekend and i am not ashamed. sometimes you just need to stay in your sweatpants.
i hope all is well wherever you may be. lovelove and sunshine
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Friday, December 3, 2010
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Things I accomplished today: locking my keys and phone in a running car. With, ithought my spare locked inside but actually it's in Braxton county. Fifty dollars later, I'm on my way to work in a toasty car that I didn't have to scrape thr snow off of. Lose win?
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- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
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