I will remember that I woke up without hot water.
No, we are not kidding. We have heat now, but we had no hot water. We jumped in the shower, full blast icicles. We immediately jumped out of the shower with a stream of our favorite four letter word combinations. We were not amused.
But luckily, I have the best cousin on the planet who knows how to fix things like this. So when I get home this evening, I will be taking the worlds longest, hottest bath. And it will be good.
But, since I am at work today, I'm watching the coverage of the events on CNN online. I think we have a big monitor set up in one of the conference rooms if we want to go watch periodically through the day, so I may do that on my lunch break when all the 'good stuff' actually happens.
It was really neat though, yesterday driving back to Motown. I kept passing all these out of state cars, mostly from southern and western states. and it took a little while for all the synapses to fire for me to realize that these people were driving to D.C. And holy crap, that was a crazy feeling. Part of me wishes I were there for the history aspect of it, but the thought of 2 million people crammed into a tiny place gives me a panic attack from here. I couldn't handle that many people around me.
But this is an important day and I'm glad that I'm finally (old?mature?socially aware?) enough to appreciate it.
On a non-inauguration note, I think you all should go see Gran Torino immediately. It is probably the best movie I have seen this year (and yes, I realize this year is only 20 days old, haha). But seriously. It is very good. Eastwood is now, has always been, and will always be the man. And it's a really good story, especially with everything going on in the world. I also have a theory that Clint Eastwood is actually a robot, but that's another theory for another day.
I may post more, as this day goes on. It's just something I want to remember in the long run. And then I expect you all to post as well. Mostly because you're all slacking and I have nothing entertaining to read at work. I mean.... no, thats honest. haha.
Update, Noon-thirty. Have been watching the events on BBC News website. does this make me un-american? lol. I like the BBC's layout because I have the live video feed as well as twitter and email commentary constantly updating below the video. It is awesome to see what people around the world are saying as this all happens. My thoughts are, at the moment, Obama is an amazing speaker and his words give me chills (the good kind), and that I think Michelle is the most bomb-ass dresser in the world and I want her green highheels. (come on folks, have you ever in your life known me to take anything completely serious? but honestly, those shoes are killer. second only maybe to aretha's hat.)
I like what he is saying about resources consumption. I never paid attention to this topic until I started my job and really learned about renewables and how we've seriously damaged our planet. Obama's presidency will (hopefully) be very good for dept. of enery projects and that is very exciting to me.
I really like his statement, "With hope and virtue, let us brave once more the icy currents, and endure what storms may come." Bc I think that really is where we are in the world and what we need to do. I'm excited to see what the next 4-8 years will bring and I hope that people will give the time needed for things to start getting better rather than saying it's already failing (have heard around the office this morning grumbles about the stock market today. He can't change it in one day, no matter how much people bitch.) People need to be willing to at least try here. What we had wasn't working, why not try this? Although I feel like I'm preaching to the choir here, since all you readers are my dirty hippie liberal friends. (hugs the hippies)
I'm also scared to think that at the end of this 4 year presidential cycle I will be hanging on this side of 30 by my fingertips. Holy Crap 30. I know that seems so old now, but I have a feeling the next 4 years are going to zoom by. I wonder what I'll be doing or where I will be when I'm 30. Hopefully we'll rely more on renewable resources, focus on hydroelectricity, windmills, and carbon sequestration. Hopefully we'll have figured out a lot of things.
Right now, I need to figure out where to find a Girl Scout, bc it's cookie time and I need some Thin Mints.
(come on. you knew I couldn't end it serious either.)