Saturday, January 31, 2009

Vincent Price and other Dastardly Deeds

1. I saw the midnight movie of The Fall of the House of Usher last night with Andreas and it was hilariously bad. I love Vincent Price and all his movies even if I do hate hate hate scary movies. Although this is bad-60s acting, so it was great. Plus the few other people in the audience added their own commentary, so it was like having my own Mystery Science Theatre 3000, only with drunks instead of robots. I loved every minute of it. Andreas fell asleep. Clearly he was not as impressed with the tale of evil and torment. I'm going to have to introduce him to The Thirteen Ghosts of Scooby Doo. God Bless ridiculous american cartoons with 'Vincent Van Ghoul.'

2. I finished my project and mailed it off only to realize I forgot to take a photo!! So once it get's to Joel, I'll have him take a pic and email it to me. The UPS Store employees were very nice and not at all scary, so that was just a double bonus.

3. I've been so ridiculously busy lately that I feel like I haven't had time to think. But it's one of those nice busies, when the next thing is better than its predecessor. But I'm not gonna lie, I'm totally about to go take a nap before I go out tonight. It's ladies night, my friend!

4. I wish this new winter storm would decide if it is really going to hit or not, this back and forth shit is getting old and putting a crimp in my travel plans. I was to go to Lexington shortly, but they are apparently under several layers of ice. So that might be put off for a few more weeks. And I am supposed to go to Columbus to watch hockey (and knit at the same time, isn't that a hoot) next month, but who knows if that will come about for sure. Ah well. If it's going to snow, I want it to full on blizzard. I went to the store today, so we're set and ready in the event it does. We have milk and water and bread and soup and cadbury eggs and clementines and potato chips. lol. oh we also have a star fruit, for our Feb fruit-of-the-month. It made me laugh, so I figured why not. That and Dave threw it at me across the store and I felt obligated to purchase it.

5. and because I can't end on an even number, Today's Fun Link by Chris Bailes

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Flashback 1988

When I was little, in the winter one of my favorite things was to eat snow. But not just handfuls, oh no. I'd get my Ninja Turtle bowl (you remember those, it looked like their shell and had a head, arms, and legs) and fill it with snow and then bring it indoors and put vanilla on it and eat it with my glow-in-the-dark Frankenberry spoon. And I thought that was just the coolest thing on earth, making my own pseudo-ice cream. I'd crack myself up telling whoever was around that I was an ice cream magician.

I thought about doing it again the other day when it snowed so much. But there's so much shit in the atmosphere now (especially around Morgantown) that I can't even imagine eating snow. Not that it would probably actually hurt me or anyone to eat the snow, but knowing what's in it makes me not want to.And it kind of makes me sad. I hope we can clean up our environment so that future generations dont have to miss out on eating snow.

I guess I'm going to have to get another Snoopy sno-cone maker and make my own.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Ipods Were Never One of Blue's Clues

So I got a new ipod today as my old one officially passed away. This time I chose a nano. I couldn't justify the big one, 16gigs is more than enough for me. And I did get it in yellow as shown. Only it looks a little more Mountaineer old-gold yellow, and that's something I can stand for.

Next. Do you remember Steve from Blue's Clues? Don't lie to me, you know you do. We all thought he was dead for a minute. Just like Kid Rock. (there's another interesting question, why were we fascinated when we thought Kid Rock was dead?) Anyway. Steve. Steve is a musician now. I mean sure he sang on the show, but songs about receiving mail apparently were not his genre of choice. Steve is.....grunge???? I don't know how I feel about this. I don't know if I feel bad that I dislike it because it's Steve or if I almost like it in spite of the fact that it's Steve. I think I just miss his nice striped shirt. How do we feel about this new steve? i'm unnerved.

Goals Update

So I was looking through my goals list and realize I had successfully kept a plant alive for 5 months! Holy moly! Do you EVEN know how exciting that is? I can kill plastic plants! And this one has stayed alive for five whole months! I'm going to have to bring my camera in and take a commemorative photo. Although the aqua globes one is of said plant, so I suppose that will do.

I also need to try a new fruit or veggie this week as the month is quickly coming to an end. I've written my monthly letter but have yet to post it for lack of stamps and my intense hatred of the post office.

Since Feb is such a short month I figured I'd use it as a cop-out for a lot of my goals. the vitamins, the Alphabetical Appreciation, several others I imagine. So stay tuned for that.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

I Sport a Bathrobe as a Fashion Necessity

So I'm sick again. Everyone at work has been sick for weeks and we just keep passing it around. How is it though that I only feel the worst on the weekends? I can guarentee I'll be better tomorrow in time for work.

So I'm sitting here in my pajamas and bathrobe because I felt very Lebowski with my flu and sinus medication feeling yuk. I'm freezing and have a fever. I blame it on Foster and karma as I mocked Foster for being sick.

At least my bathrobe is monogrammed thanks to Mrs. Pickens.

So. An assortment of thoughts for your entertainment purposes.

1. We all know I hate being in the car for any period of time. It's not so bad when I have company but when it's just me in the car, even the drive home from work is too long. So I have a game I enjoy, where whatever song I have on the radio I imagine what it would sound like if Morgan Freeman was speaking it. Not singing, but speaking in his voice of God manner. You should try this sometime as it is hilarious. Some recent favorites are Flo-rida's "Low," Katy Perry's "I Kissed a Girl," the Veronica's "Untouched," and whatever that latest Kanye song is (which I do not like as much as Love Lockdown but it's still ok.) So if you ever see me laughing my ass off while driving by, you can guess what I'm doing. The Connery is also an excellent voice for this game. and what's her name from the Nanny.

2. this is just hilarious. thank you chris bailes.

3. you guys need to give us more ideas for our Etsy name! Chris wins a prize for most attempts. But so far nothing is sticking with us.

4. I officially give my allegiences to Wes Anderson and his films. I loved Darjeeling Limited and the Royal Tenenbaums but have now also watched Life Aquatic. I need to now track down Bottle Rocket and Rushmore.

5. None of these are important thoughts. I'm just tired of sleeping and there is nothing good on tv at the moment and my eyes hurt when I read. Bitch bitch, whine whine, puke.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Help Us Interwebz Kenobi, You're Our Only Hope!

Ok, so that's a cheesy title, but Shainnnnnna and I really do need your help. Twice even.

So, here's the deal. We' were feeling squirrely and decided that we wanted to open an Etsy shop. (go google etsy if you don't know what it is.) Between us, and potentially Dave Ryan, we can make knitting notions (hand dyed yarns, needles, etc.), jewelry, photos, candles, soaps, bath scrubs and fizzies, invitations and cards (hey, we're pros at that one now thanks to her wedding) etc. A whole range of crafty fun items. So the moral of the story here is that we need a name for our little corner of the internet. Something quirky. And we're both stumped. So, interwebz, if you help us come up with a name, you win a prize! I'm not exactly sure what the prize is yet, but you can guarentee it's something we make. That can be negotiated later. So give us some ideas here, people. PLEEEEASE.

also, I'm going salsa dancing tonight and I fear for the toes of the greater Morgantown area. I will report back with how it all goes.

My name is Andrea, and I have no idea what I am doing.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Winter Photos

Back by popular demand....zee photos:

First, we have zee evil dog, in her dainty blue coat. Look at that barely suppressed rage. Bask in it.

Here we have a view out the front door from the homestead. Notice that you can not see the road. We were not pleased..

Here we have zee evil dog passed out, still in her coat (she wouldn't let me take it off) with her favorite squeaker toy. Also take note of the giant tub of cheesepuffs, or as I refer to it, the breakfast of champions.

My aqua globes! Bringers of entertainment for hours on end. No, I am so not joking. I will take another photo when my plant looks healthy from actually being watered regularly thanks to the magical globes.

That's all I have for now. Stay tuned for more images of animal cruelty courtesy off zee evil dog.

Final Inauguration thoughts and How I Missed Blue Monday

1. I stayed up until 11:30 watching the news because I didn't want to miss anything. And I think the moment that will stick with me as representative of this entire event, well, there are two. The first was when the Obamas got out of their tank-limo and walked the parade route. I thought that was pretty damn awesome of them, because you and I both know, as much as it pains to admit, that there are some assholes out there who potentially could have brought them harm. But by them walking the parade, that was like a big middle finger to ignorance. AndI won't lie, I stood up from my desk chair and I clapped for them. The second moment was when they arrived at the Neighborhood Ball. Here the President is given a chance to speak about anything he wants, and what he says is "How good lookin is my wife!!!" It's stuff like that that makes me appreciate him as a person even more. I can't explain why, but it really really does. He could rattle on about all the problems that we have, but he takes the time to celebrate his wife. It's good stuff and makes me smile. We're not going to get into the fact that the Beyonce interview after she sang "At Last" might have possibly sorta made me cry a wee bit even though I dislike beyonce with the heat of a thousand suns.

2. Apparently, according to news articles and verified by wikipedia (bc you know that shit's rock solid) Monday the 19th was Blue Monday, the statistically most depressing day of the year. Well holy hell, I missed it. And I'm glad. I had a great day on monday. I got to sleep in, spend time with my family, go on a long snowy walk on the railtrail, watch Gran Torino and Life Aquatic and just have a great time in general. And I feel like I really want to give myself a gold star sticker for this, bc as I've said before, I don't usually do so well in the winter. But I think now that I have a routine and I've eliminated a lot of what was causing the sadness and anger from my life, winter doesn't seem as oppressive anymore. Sure there are some days where its dreary and I just want to stay in bed and watch crap tv all day, but that isn't the same as not wanting to leave the house for weeks on end. So I hope you all had an equally good Monday, and if not, then just think, if that was statistically the worst day of the year, it's all uphill now!

3.I am bound and determined to finish my craft project by the 31st. I'm to the point that I'm sick of looking at it but really want it to be finished. I swear there will be photos for you to admire and tell me what a wonderful person I am. Or at least, the first part.

4. I freaked out when I came home yesterday because Calypso was chewing on a foot. I thought there was a dead body on my couch because the blankets were piled up in perfect body-position with the foot sticking out the end. It was only a chewtoy that mom had bought her this weekend. After restarting my heart, the toy went straight to the trash. Caly also has a new blue winter parka bc 1) it is funny and 2) she really hates being cold, as does her owner. I took photos of that too, so if Tonya yells at me enough again, I might remember to put them online sometime.

5. I'm on day 3 of not drinking soda. I don't know why I'm trying this again when I know what happens... my insomnia returns and I become an even bigger bitch than normal. But so far (knock on every piece of wood in a ten mile radius) I'm sleeping ok and am semi-cheerful. We'll see how long that lasts. I fully blame the fact that my underwire died today on my lack of caffeine intake. Yes, that is some effed up logic.

That is all for today. End Transmission.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

How Will You Remember Inauguration Day?

I will remember that I woke up without hot water.

No, we are not kidding. We have heat now, but we had no hot water. We jumped in the shower, full blast icicles. We immediately jumped out of the shower with a stream of our favorite four letter word combinations. We were not amused.

But luckily, I have the best cousin on the planet who knows how to fix things like this. So when I get home this evening, I will be taking the worlds longest, hottest bath. And it will be good.

But, since I am at work today, I'm watching the coverage of the events on CNN online. I think we have a big monitor set up in one of the conference rooms if we want to go watch periodically through the day, so I may do that on my lunch break when all the 'good stuff' actually happens.

It was really neat though, yesterday driving back to Motown. I kept passing all these out of state cars, mostly from southern and western states. and it took a little while for all the synapses to fire for me to realize that these people were driving to D.C. And holy crap, that was a crazy feeling. Part of me wishes I were there for the history aspect of it, but the thought of 2 million people crammed into a tiny place gives me a panic attack from here. I couldn't handle that many people around me.

But this is an important day and I'm glad that I'm finally (old?mature?socially aware?) enough to appreciate it.

On a non-inauguration note, I think you all should go see Gran Torino immediately. It is probably the best movie I have seen this year (and yes, I realize this year is only 20 days old, haha). But seriously. It is very good. Eastwood is now, has always been, and will always be the man. And it's a really good story, especially with everything going on in the world. I also have a theory that Clint Eastwood is actually a robot, but that's another theory for another day.

I may post more, as this day goes on. It's just something I want to remember in the long run. And then I expect you all to post as well. Mostly because you're all slacking and I have nothing entertaining to read at work. I mean.... no, thats honest. haha.

Update, Noon-thirty. Have been watching the events on BBC News website. does this make me un-american? lol. I like the BBC's layout because I have the live video feed as well as twitter and email commentary constantly updating below the video. It is awesome to see what people around the world are saying as this all happens. My thoughts are, at the moment, Obama is an amazing speaker and his words give me chills (the good kind), and that I think Michelle is the most bomb-ass dresser in the world and I want her green highheels. (come on folks, have you ever in your life known me to take anything completely serious? but honestly, those shoes are killer. second only maybe to aretha's hat.)

I like what he is saying about resources consumption. I never paid attention to this topic until I started my job and really learned about renewables and how we've seriously damaged our planet. Obama's presidency will (hopefully) be very good for dept. of enery projects and that is very exciting to me.

I really like his statement, "With hope and virtue, let us brave once more the icy currents, and endure what storms may come." Bc I think that really is where we are in the world and what we need to do. I'm excited to see what the next 4-8 years will bring and I hope that people will give the time needed for things to start getting better rather than saying it's already failing (have heard around the office this morning grumbles about the stock market today. He can't change it in one day, no matter how much people bitch.) People need to be willing to at least try here. What we had wasn't working, why not try this? Although I feel like I'm preaching to the choir here, since all you readers are my dirty hippie liberal friends. (hugs the hippies)

I'm also scared to think that at the end of this 4 year presidential cycle I will be hanging on this side of 30 by my fingertips. Holy Crap 30. I know that seems so old now, but I have a feeling the next 4 years are going to zoom by. I wonder what I'll be doing or where I will be when I'm 30. Hopefully we'll rely more on renewable resources, focus on hydroelectricity, windmills, and carbon sequestration. Hopefully we'll have figured out a lot of things.

Right now, I need to figure out where to find a Girl Scout, bc it's cookie time and I need some Thin Mints.

(come on. you knew I couldn't end it serious either.)

Sunday, January 18, 2009


Let's all have a moment of silence to rejoice in the fact that Cadbury eggs are back for the easter season (although I'm scared that the easter season starts mid-January now). I love cadbury eggs more than I love my dog. But don't tell her that. I want to go buy billions of them and then horde them away for a rainy day.

yes. i did just post with the soul intent of discussing the wonders of chocolate and creme. you can shake your head in disgust and walk away now.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Flashback 1990

In talking to Shainna online a little bit ago (because clearly we are incapable of going more than 5 hours without talking) we got on the topic of little kids valentines. You know the ones. The assorted box of your favorite cartoon characters or candy-themed cards, with the obligatory teacher themed card and an assortment of friend cards that we all spent hours and hours agonizing over who to give each specific card to... bc you KNOW you didn't want the icky boy/girl to think you liked him. he always got the 'you're a swell friend' card while the boy you reeeeally liked got the extra holographic heart sticker on theirs. don't pretend like you didn't put that extra sticker on there, bc we both know you did.

and everyone had the valentines card box made out of a cereal box covered in butcher paper and decorated in your own particular valentine themed vision of glitter and doilies and holograph stickers.

well in kindergarten, i thought i was the coolest girl on the planet. why? bc i was the only girl in my class to get a card from A FIRST GRADER.

oh. my. god.

in hindsight i can only imagine how hilarious my teacher (who is my aunt which makes it twice as funny) and my parents found this. it was just a piece of that ugly paper that we all learned to write on with a heart colored on it and that Roses are Red poem. Granted I couldn't actually read it, but I knew it must be a work of art because a FIRST GRADER gave it to me. and lets face it, this FIRST GRADER was the coolest boy on the playground.

My first mistake was asking dad to read me what the valentine said. He started to read the first line and trailed off and asked WHO IS THIS BOY?! WHY IS HE WRITING YOU A POEM? IN A HEART?!??! YOU AREN'T OLD ENOUGH FOR VALENTINES FROM BOYS!

and that folks basically explains my entire existance with my father, haha. but that was not the point of this blog. that was a tangent. the point of the blog was how much fun it was to get those valentines when you were little. To know which boys liked you by which Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle card you got (bc obviously Michaelangelo was the coolest) and which girls thought you were really their best friends forever because that Barbie card with the roll of LifeSavers said so. And Barbie wouldn't lie to you. Skipper might, that little tramp, but Barbie? Never.

So. the moral of the story is I think I might relive my childhood and see if I can find some cute little-kid variety valentines and send them to all you magical readers. And dont worry, all of you are much higher than the 'swell friend' card. Hell, you might even get three heart stickers! and that's big for me, who usually hates valentines day and spends it in a permanent drunken stupor.

Oh man. Here is my pre-Valentines Day card to all of you, RIGHT NOW. Yes, that IS the flying spaghetti monster. hahaha.

Ignignokt and the Best Week Ever.

So yes. This has been a great week. Nearly ending up frozen like Jack Nicholson at the end of The Shining aside, that is. I'm hoping that when I head back to the Mo' on monday, the heat will not be broken again. But that's next week technically, and that can't ruin this week.

So let's see. I went to the Bruce Hornsby/Ricky Skaggs show at the CAC. I grew up listening to both, and to see them play together, and bluegrass to boot, that was an experience. I really really had a great time. Here they are playing Super Freak, bc you need to share in this hilarious experience with me.

I went with mom to charleston today with the main purpose of picking up my bridesmaid dress for Kellie Marie's wedding. That successfully completed, mom and I did what we do best together... shopping. I bought myself one thing. A dress. Yes, you heard that correctly, andrea bought a dress. I really like the dress. I mean I suppose that would be obvious or why would I buy it. But it is a comfortable, Goal #55 wear on an casual everyday type basis dress. so woopie! for that. Calypso, however, made out like a bandit. I had a theory that if I bought her chew toys and bones that were entirely too big for her, then she'd be entertained by those and not eat things like my shoes and furniture (she recently ate my donut chair. we are not pleased.) . She got a cute new blue jacket bc yes, it's official, i've turned into mom with the dressing up the animals. however, when we got home she was limping around and we have no idea what she did to hurt herself, so I won't torture her with teh jacket yet. But as soon as she's walking correctly, there will be photographic evidence for your enjoyment.

and I got to have lunch with shainna and momma sticklen which is always a good time. Quaker Steak and Lube (I know you just laughed in your head at the word "Lube." It's ok, I did too.) has delicious food and tacky photo opportunities, so clearly I had a good time. It was good to see my Person as I am still not quite used to not being able to slink over to her apartment on sunday afternoons and watch ABC Family movies and eat cake waffles.

also, bc the interwebz needs to know all my business, i've officially cannon-balled my way back into the dating pool. It's been a very long time since I've been out on a real date, and I was terrified. But, it is proving to be a really fun. Holy crap, did I really just say that, I sound like a loser. Forgive me, but it's been awhile since I've been treated like a girl. haha.

and, to top the week off, the brother dear finally handed down his Mooninites t-shirt. I love Ignignokt and Err. When I couldn't sleep my junior year in undergrad, I would watch episode after episode of Aqua Teen Hunger Force. and my favorites were the ones with the mooninites. The moon rulez. #1.

I've been working diligently on my craft project. When I finish it I will take a photo so you can see what I've been working on. Actually, I have to mail it to the recepient first, and then you can see it. But I'm proud of the work I've put into it.

So thats my best week. I guess maybe it might not seem like much of anything to most people, but it honestly has been really really great. It's not often I feel so upbeat in the winter, bc usually this time of year I get really down. But not so far, knock on wood. So far I'm feeling pretty damn good. And if next week suddenly bombs, well, that will be ok, bc this one was good enough for two.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Holy Human Popsicle, Batman

You know what happens when I say that this could be the best week ever? I wake up the next morning, a morning that is -3 that feels like -15 with windchill, WITH NO HEAT. I'm not going into work until I can get this fixed and I've got 3 different calls out, hoping someone can get here before I die. Calypso and I are curled up in bed with the electric blankets and everything we own on.


Update! We have heat! Delicious wonderful heat! And there was much rejoicing, and it was good. It turns out a gasline froze up here on the hill somewhere and half the neighborhood had no heat. Now, I've got it cranked up to 80, if only for a few hours until I leave town. I sat in my tiny bathroom with its huge heat vent and just enjoyed the warmth.

It's official, I was not cut out to be an eskimo. Give me the equator.

This May Just Be..

....the best week ever. Can't say for sure yet bc I still technically have two days. At the end of those two days, I will blog. But for now, two things.

1. I heard Bruce Hornsby play a bluegrass version of Superfreak. And it was AWESOME. Try wrapping your brain around that one.

2. This website.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

A Random Ramble

1. This is proving to be one excellent week and it's only Wednesday. I'm having lots of fun and that's all I am going to say. :)

2. The hallway of our office building smells of burnt toast which makes no sense. But the smell (here we go with smell related flashbacks again) reminded me of being little and staying at my aunt's home over summer breaks. The only thing Michael would eat was burnt toast with bacon bits on it. And the cool part was our aunt was cool with it. Didn't try to force healthy things down our throats, just let us eat what we wanted, which for M was 'bacon bit sammachs' and for me tended to be cheese puffs. I loved going to her house bc she would let us watch Weekend at Bernies as many times as we wanted and her backyard pool always seemed much cooler than ours, but only bc we could watch the train go by while swimming.

3. This cough I have won't go away and mom thinks I need to start using my inhaler again (you know, like I am supposed to all the time) or I'm going to give myself bronchitis. again. No, I don't like sounding like an 80 year old coalminer but I also don't like the feeling the albuterol induced irregular heartbeat, where I feel like my guts are going to explode out of my chest cavity in a very quentin tarantino-esque manner. (forgive, I watched Pulp Fiction again recently). so we're going to hold out for a few more days before we pick the puffing habit back up (notice how I made that sound illegal, eh eh) namely because my inhaler is in the wilds of b.county from the last time I tried to use it and ended up staying awake half the night with crazy legs. And believe me, you should pick up on the irony that i'm wearing my nerd glasses and a sweatervest while discussing an inhaler. Quick, someone find me a pocket protector and a fanny pack.

4. I really do love sweater vests. They enhance the nerd power to the mega tense.

5. I have a theory that I'm working on that will probably be it's own post in the next few days bc I want to add graphics to illustrate it. For now it is titled, My Life as a Soap Opera, or: How My Attraction to Jerks on Television Explains My Messed Up Thought Process. To be continued.

Monday, January 12, 2009

In Which I Admit I'm an Idiot, Part Two

I am blaming it on the fact that it's Monday. Because it only makes sense that I would go half a day at work without realizing my shirt was on backward on a Monday. That's something that you'd notice on a Wednesday. Definitely fix that immediately on a Friday. But Monday. Monday is the day you don't notice your clothes are not on right. In my defense, it was a very nondescript sweater. It looks the same on the front and the back. Other than, you know, that tag that was itching the shit out of my neck all morning.

My name is Andrea, and I am not capable of dressing myself.


Sunday, January 11, 2009

An Assortment of Useless Information

So I've been bundled up in eighty bajillion layers of clothes today, sucking down vitamin c and enough water to turn one of those water wheel things. a big one. yes, i am fighting a cold. so to kill time I did 5 loads of laundry, worked on my project, and watched an excellent movie that I recommend you watch and then research the title character. Modigliani is the film of Amedeo Clemente Modigliani, a very excellent artist if I do say so myself from researching his work. I have a feeling most will not agree with this, but, it is an interesting story none the less.

for some reason (I would call it delirium or that delicious orange cough syrup) i started counting my freckles. i love freckles and always wished i had more. when i was little i didnt pretend to be blonde or leggy, i wished to have cute freckles and a butt-chin (what is the real term for butt-chin?). i like the freckle i have on my right ear, even though i hate my sticky-outy ears and i like the string i have on my inner right arm. this is in no way important or have some sort of moral to the story other than i suppose thats just one of my weird quirks that i like about myself. like that i have two dimples on one side of my face and none on the other. this never made sense to me but i felt like it made me me. i guess my damn sticky-outy ears make me too. i used to try to make them stay flat against my head when i was little, with one of those cloth headbands that were trendy then. i'd just put it over my ears instead of behind them and go to bed like that. this might explain why i sometimes like to sleep with my toboggan on, i like my ears warm. that was a strange train of thought there.

i've decided that on Weds i'm going to start working on another of my goals--to make a piece of self representative art. i already have an idea for it. it's going to be a collage of things that i am and things i want out of life. i cut out a few images and words today, but there isn't much I can say with Time and Rolling Stone. i'm definitely over my punkrock princess stage. i would, however, learn how to look good in a skirt and heels. and by good i mean look comfortable, like i wear that kind of nonsense all the time for fun.

i am looking forward to the upcoming long weekend for a multitude of reasons that all involve not being in the northern part of this 'by god' state.

shainna and i have been facebook stalking ourselves and realized that we had a lot of fun last year. and its true, i definitely did have a lot of fun. in some cases, too much fun. i damn well made myself have fun especially when i was feeling bad, as my bar tab at gibbies can well attest. and this year, i'm not having as much fun and yet i'm not feeling bad. so the moral question is which would i rather have, fun and feel worthless or bored out of my skull and actually respect myself? interestingly, i'd rather not say which way I would probably lean sometimes. interesting how my head, heart, and liver all have different answers. and the one you think for each wouldn't necessarily be right.

i want sushi. people in town, lets get sushi soon. but maybe when i stop coughing like an eighty year old smoker.

its time for me to curl up in my bed with my evil dog and hope I feel more human tomorrow. even though it would be lovely to not go to work. my sticky-outty ears would love a day off work.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

The One in Which I Allow Myself to Mope, as well as Ramble About Other Crap

the rambling first.

-i have a monster headache and i'm afraid to move from the way i am sitting for fear i may puke.
-at the bar last night i managed to get cheered and booed by the entire bar in a span of 5 minutes. frankly i was more embarrassed by the first.
-for dinner some friends and i went to the newish restaurant Yesterday's and i highly recommend it. the pasta is especially fantastic.
-i just realized (thanks to imdb) that josh brolin played the older brother in the Goonies, thus cementing my lifelong love of him.

and now the moping ramble. you can skip this if you would like.
-the Bad Day i had last week resulted in me talking to someone who i didn't want to. and just in about 4 sentences to fulfill a promise i had made i once again felt like shit. and i've been thinking about this since. it's not that i enjoy feeling like shit, bc who does. but that shit had become like a second skin to me, that feeling like shit had become.... well... comfortable? thats awful to even think about. do i want to go back to that? no never. as i've said, i finally have felt good about myself again in the last month or so. i think in that nearly 2 years of feeling like shit i completely lost who i was and am only now fighting my way back. but when something takes up that much of your life, you can't help but feel some type of pull i suppose. there will always be unanswered questions and blame and the what-ifs. but then too more and more there is a a lot of pity and being able to breathe again. it's interesting to look back and see that just because you did everything you could to help in any way possible and some ways that were seemingly impossible, that it really wasn't going to change anything and deep down you knew it and you tried everything to stop it in its tracks but just didn't want to admit it. but it's always going to be there and it's always going to effect the way in which you approach anything in the future and you're always going to think of the one or two good things that actually came out of it all. and you just have to work harder to overcome the stewing and continue with the good you were doing and enjoy the people around you, the ones who can be honest with you and love you for who you are not for what you could be if you changed or what use you can bring them. it's true that you accept the love you think you deserve, and for a long time i thought i deserved something subpar. but i don't think that anymore. and thats why i'm starting to be able to breathe again.

Friday, January 9, 2009

The One in which I Reveal I am an Idiot

So sitting at my desk yesterday, eating my Valentines-themed M&Ms (bc you know, it's completely logical that they had Valentines Day stuff on sale New Years Day) I thought to myself, Self, wouldn't these delicious M&Ms taste even better if they were chocolate cherry flavor? To which I decided I was so completely brilliant I immediately went to the Mars Confectionery website and sent them an email imparting my brilliant wisdom to their marketing department. And that hey, orange chocolate wouldn't be too shabby either! So after sending this work of art and feeling pretty damn proud of myself for coming up with something that the candy company had clearly looked over, I started tooling around the M&Ms website, looking at their history of production. Lo and behold. Wildly Cherry M&Ms. I was not the first person to think this up. Granted they were limited edition (with orange too, hrmph) in the late 90s, but honestly, who remembers anything tasty from the late 90s? Why were they just limited edition, did people not enjoy the fruity chocolate-y-ness-ness? (I'm also a wordsmith!)

So today I received an email response back from the company. It reads:

In response to your email regarding M&M'S WILDLY CHERRY LIMITED EDITION.

Thanks for contacting us about M&M'S WILDLY CHERRY LIMITED EDITION.

Because we are reviewing our marketing strategy, this product is unavailable at this time. Your comments will be shared with our Marketing Staff.

The product cannot be purchased via the Internet nor directly from us.

Have a great day!

Your Friends at Mars Snackfood US

Now. What they really wanted to type reads as such:

Dear Moron,

We tried that. It tanked. Go eat chocolate covered cherries, lardass.

Dont email us with anymore ideas.

You suck,
Mars Snackfoods US

oh well. there is still always my idea for bottled fresh-cut-grass smell.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

And the Grinches Heart Grew Three Sizes

So today I had one of those experiences that makes you appreciate all the good people in the world for the little things. It wasn't much, but it is what I aspire to be like, to do for others. As you can see, (there, on the sidebar) one of my goals is to keep a plant alive. This is because it is quite possible that I would kill plastic flowers. Well I have a plant at work, and it's come near death several times. The cleaning couple (again, I dont feel comfortable using their names here) always have to remind me that I need to water it, it's become like a joke with us. Well this afternoon the husband comes back and says he has a surprise for me that he and his wife picked up. It was those Aqua Globes that look awesome and are an idiot-proof (re: Me) to remember to water your plants. And I know this might not seem like a big deal, but it really meant something to me that they thought about me and I dont know, it was just that nice warm fuzzy feeling. People doing nice things for people. Not bc they have to, but bc they think it will be helpful/make them smile.

Also, this is an adorable yet sad article.

It's snowing outside and all I want to go do is make a snow angel. I think I shall.

Museum of Broken Relationships

In my daily news searches of a morning I stumbled across the Museum of Broken Relationships. This is so strange and yet, it seems like it would be a very comforting museum to visit. Not because of relishing in other people's misery, but seeing that people everywhere have at one time felt something you have felt. And anyone can send stuff in to be considered part of the museum. And I stopped to think of what things I would send to the museum. There would be a necklace with a sanddollar on it. A little rubber zombie doll named Abner. 2 cards and an imperial russia eagle pin. A guitar with 2 broken strings. dozens of dried roses, all orange. Several different doctors bills. A creepy stuffed bear that says "I want another hug!" when you squeeze it. A brown velor track suit. A Bruce Lee t-shirt. thousands of post-it notes. An amber ring, necklace and earrings set. A mixed tape (actually a cd). The movie "When Harry Met Sally." A chain off my mountain bike. A WVU hoodie. A giant candle shaped like a lighthouse. A handcarved jewelry box with the chinese symbol for eternal love on it.

I could give these people enough memories for my own show.

In other news, I'm thinking about moving. Which is really dumb considering all the work I've just done on the trailer, but I've got itchy feet.

I'm also strongly thinking about taking this community music class that being offered at the CAC starting at the end of the month. for 2 hrs on 10 fridays I could learn to play the steel drums. I don't have any reason that I shouldn't take this class other than sheer laziness. So we'll see what happens with that.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

The Way Things Smell

I feel like we've discussed this before, but smell is something that is important to me. I think I'd go nuts if I completley lost my sense of smell bc then I think I wouldn't have memories. And I'm serious when I say that. I associate people with smells, I associate feelings with smells, I associate places with smells. I might not always be able to name the perfume or whatever, but if I walk past it, I know it as something. I smell the ocean breeze and my heart rate automatically slows down. I smell Curve for men and I get a little sad. I smell cinnamon and apples and I feel loved. I smell Old Spice and Big Red together and I feel safe. It all makes sense in the tangled mess of my mind.

So bc of that, I'm very particular about the different scents I use. It was vanilla and only vanilla for a very very long time. Then for awhile it was eucalyptus mint. For a brief period of time it was Philosophy Inner Grace (bc obviously I thought the name would surely also promote goodness within? Weren't we mistaken...). But not long ago I decided it was time to find a new scent.

Are you bored or completely weirded out with this train of thought yet?

So I went exploring for a new smell. I hate things that are too girly or too sticky sweet or too flowery or are so strong you can taste them when you walk by (you know this phenomenon, you've walked by Holister). And while there were more than a handful that I liked, I just didn't see myself as a Ralph Lauren Romance or a Clinique Happy or a Burberry Brit or what have you. They smelled good, but they didn't smell like me. I suppose the girls reading this would understand how important this can unintentionally become when you can't find something you like. But finally completely by accident, I did! And as much as it disgusts me to say it bc it makes me feel even more like a sell-out yuppie WASP bitch, it is Dolce & Gabbana's Light Blue. It doesn't give me a headache and it isn't girly but then it isn't manly either. The product description describes it as:

Light Blue. A stunning perfume, overwhelming and irresistible like the joy of living. Surprising and colored: the liveliness of Sicilian citron, the happiness of Granny Smith apple, the spontaneity of bluebells. Feminine and resolute: the intensity of jasmine, the freshness of bamboo, the charm of white rose. Deep and true: the character of cedarwood, the fullness of amber, the embrace of musk.

I want to be irresistible like the joy of living. I want to be surprising and colored, feminine and resolute, and deep and true. I want to raise one eyebrow when I'm either lying or giving you The Look (oh you know The Look) and know i smell of all those things. And Gain. Bc even when I try to stop using that detergent and fabric softner, I can't. I love Gain. I would buy Gain perfume if they made it, but they don't, so there you go. I guess the moral of the story here is that I needed something new, like the red walls, but something that was still deep down me.

I don't know why I went on this tangent of smells. I guess maybe it is because one of the ladies at work just walked by and she uses the same perfume that mom used to when I was little and I immediately remembered being probably 9 or 10 and "getting" it for her for Christmas. You all remember that feeling, when someone else bought it and wrapped it but you got to put the bow on it and write your name on the tag and feel all proud of yourself and then accidentally on purpose telling said parent what you "got" them bc you want them to be impressed by your amazing ability to know exactly what they wanted. Or maybe it's because I've been thinking about change and how I'm working on that but because I'm such a coward I'm doing it in baby steps and if a new perfume is one way to start then so be it.

So readers. What do you smell like? What are your favorite smells? What makes you feel like home?

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Things that Make Me Happy

I have decided I'm not allowed to be angry. Although I do give myself twelve points for admitting my anger and letting it out rather than burying it in and worrying myself to death in the next 2 months. That said, I'm going to make a list of things that make me happy. Why? I'm childish and I can do what I want. neener neener neener.

1. Wendys fries dipped in a frosty. Never before this invention could I imagine french fries in ice cream. But it is wonderful.

2. Talking to Heather on the phone while she is driving around momentarily lost in Raleigh. You would have to be on the phone when this happens to understand

3. Sally for sending Shainna and I kinder surprise! holy crap! I get to try kinder surprise!!! well, I will as soon as it gets mailed here from columbus. but that will be soon!

4. Calypso being a vulcher. If you leave the door open, she will sit on the back of the couch and stare intently at....nothing? But you better believe if something was there, she would know. And she would let you know about it. Immediately.

5. The fact that I have not one but 2 dollarstore mermaids in my christmas tree (yes, my tree is still up. I have no desire to take it down yet bc it cheers me up. it may stay up till May.)

6. The super hot UPS man winked at me. Oh. My. Gawd. I think I'm in love, just a little bit. Somebody hold me.

7. The sound of the rain on the trailer roof. I know I talk a lot of shit on the ol' trailer, but the sound of the rain puts me right to sleep. Infact it is making me sleepy now.

8. I finished another Cornwell series, this one about the Saxon conquest and Alfred the Great. (myes, scuse me there, my nerd is showing.) An excellent series of books that are, overall in the grand scheme of things, accurate. It's caused a lot of time on wiki, which actually lead to that whole tartan tirade.

There. I feel much better.

Things I Hate

I hate going to the doctor because they never have anything good to tell you. I'd rather not go and just be oblivious for the rest of my life. Instead, I'm going back in March for a 'minor procedure.' Just those words make me angry. Also for those of you who know my family, you know that we don't discuss this with anyone else outside of this blog (bc you know, the interwebz is a huge place but luckily my family is computer-challenged) bc I just dont want to deal with them on top of it all. What they don't know wont hurt them.

I am angry. Send good vibes in my general direction.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Holiday Photos, Etc

Tonya informed me that I needed to put some pics on here. I realized that 1) I really haven't taken any lately, thereby voiding my whole photo-a-day goal and 2) I did have a photo of myself from the christmas party, but you can't see my pretty dress or heels (YES HEELS). But here are some photos at any rate.The house that Christmas threw up on. I took dave out there, this was his first experience. It warms my heart to know such tackiness supports a local charity.

Yours truly. pre-yuppie christmas party. sober. annoyed at Foster and I being called Mr. & Mrs. Ware the whole weekend by the staff. I really liked my hair, I felt like a flapper or something from a much more interesting decade.

My photos on the wall. There is a little bit of everything, from a military jeep at dunkirk to laura and I in tutus to fall leaves to fighter planes over D.C. to musical scores with paintings of how the music made the artist feel. in the very middle is the art piece I got for christmas. It opens up to a leaf and a fortune cookie fortune that says "and all for love, and nothiing for reward." I have a few more pieces that will go up when I get some frames.

I hope you have been appeased tonya!

Sunday, January 4, 2009

The More You Know

So I've done nothing today but read and research stuff on Wikipedia. I call it a good day. But something I find very interesting I have discovered from my random searching is that many states in the US have an official tartan. Really? I mean I get that we have official birds, trees, songs, etc. But tartans? Can we do that? And what I find most interesting, is WV doesn't have one. Hawaii has one, but we the mutant offspring of those Scotch-Irish immigrants who got stuck in these mountains don't have one. I protest.

Maybe I'm the only person on the planet who finds this stuff interesting. I know my ancestors had their own clan tartan, and later a coat of arms. And lets not forget that my great ancestor (who's name I cant remember and my aunt would surely be angry at me for that) was excommunicated from the Catholic church and stripped of his position as part of the Highland Guard. Is it weird that I'm proud of this? I like to think i inherited my stubborn sarcastic asshole-ish-ness from this relative. Although life got shitty for the family in generations after that, being forced to fight in the Revolutionary War basically as British slaves and then being forced to become deserters following the end of the war bc the British didn't want the extra mouths to feed on the ships on the way home. So stuck in Appalachia they were. Also, I suppose I should point out that this is mom's side of the family. I can't imagine any ancestor of my father's side ever doing anything that wasn't toeing the line, lol. But then again, we dont know as much detail about my dad's family as we do moms. They just sorta popped up on Ware Mountain (no, I am not joking) and here we are. Perhaps I should do some research into finding out where in the world they came from.

And that folks, is what we call a tangent.

So, the moral of the story is, I want an official WV tartan. At first I figured we didn't have one since we broke from Virginia and VA does have one, but that's bullshit. Hawaii has one. New Mexico has one. Even the homestate of Dubya has one. If Dubya gets a tartan, dammit, I should too!

end ridiculous rant.

UPDATE: Someone in our government has been trying to create a state tartan for WV! according to a summary of last years legislation, House Concurrent Resolution No. 29 is trying to make this happen. Now, someone who understands government stuff, tell me what a concurrent resolution is. I need the facts, jack.

Goals Updated

Yesterday I decided it was time. Time to put lots of holes in my wall and hang up my photos. I can't quite decide if i absolutely love it or incredibly hate it. I broke the glass in one and I put it up anyway, I'll fix it later I guess. Actually, I blame the evil dog, she stepped on it. But, the photos are up and they aren't going anywhere now. So you'll have to come see them and give me your opinion.

I also successfully scrubbed my carpets, put all my seaglass in jars, and reorganized my bookshelves. I seriously think I have a problem, collecting books. They are everywhere in my house. Granted, I can say honestly that I read at least half of every book I have (halfway is where I give up if the thing is terrible) so that is something I can take nerdy pride in. But I see books, new and old, and they have to come home with me, haha. I think I like them so much bc they can provide knowledge and an escape. Yesterday I finally broke down and checked the price of the Dr. Zhivago at the antique mall. It is a second edition of the English translation and while I probably paid too much for what it is really worth, I got it. So I've got a special place in my bookshelf for all the old books I'm collecting.

So, at any rate, that is three goals down. Although I think I'm going to scrub the carpets every few months bc it made them so much nicer (if brown carpet can really be any nicer).

Encino Man is on tv and I love it. This is one of those movies I had taped on vhs that my cousin gave me that Michael and I watched over and over and over until the tape broke. I don't know why that is important, but, it is.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Calypso and Me

So if you haven't yet gone to watch Marley and Me you better go do it now. I didn't cry mind you. But I think this was only bc I didn't want to cry infront of my friend Travis, lol. I immediately came home and huggled calypso and didnt get angry at the fact that she dug all the chinese take-out out of the trash and spread it about the livingroom. If you're a pet owner then you understand this. I do love my evil dog no matter how much I bitch about her. I think maybe I bitch about her bc I <3 her. In the first half hour of the movie I was dead set on coming home and getting on Petfinder and getting her a new friend. But maybe that isn't very logical. But then, there are some really cute ones on there...

I can't wait until I own a house with a yard so I can get a BIG dog. I always wanted a husky or malamute or another collie like I had when I was little. I could identify with the kids in the movie having grown up with the dog that let them lay on it and just enjoy being a dog. I don't even know if that makes sense. But I know some day I want to have that big dog again.

now if you excuse me, my evil dog just ran down the hall with a pair of underwear.

Thursday, January 1, 2009


I had this weird dream a few days ago that all I could remember of it was seeing the date January 05, 2009. It weirded me out bc I felt like that would be an important date to remember. That isn't very long from now. I think maybe I'll play the lotto that day.

I hope you all had a good NYE and day. I actually had a very relaxing night. I talked to those closest to me and had a few good laughs over some drunk dials. And I got a lot of work done on my project. And I got hooked to a new show that tonya has been telling me to watch for ages and I happened to catch a marathon. I recommend True Blood if you like comedy/mystery/southern twang/profuse use of the f-bomb.

i don't want to work tomorrow bc it seems pointless to go for one day, lol. BUT it will prove to be a good weekend, i'm going to see Marley & Me tomorrow (aww, puppies) and and and I'm finally going to hang up my redwall photos. and potentially steamcleaning my carpets. is it sad that I'm really looking forward to this?